
This is how the leader was trained, Zhu Yuanzhang's first practice of holding people's hearts and trees of prestige, you have to obey!

Zhu Yuanzhang and Xu Da, Tang He, Zhou Dexing in order to arrange the brothers' seats, after a fierce fight, and held a grand ceremony, everyone was tired, the newly born four brothers plus the neighboring villages came to watch the cattle herding dolls, about a dozen and a half years old children, lazily lying on the grass. Only to hear Xu Da's stomach grunt, followed by his weak voice: "If only there was a bowl of batter to eat..." It was the best food they could think of.

Listening to him say this, Zhou Dexing and Tang He also said that they were hungry, even if there was a vegetable ball! (There is not enough grain in the southern countryside to eat, and some wild vegetables are often mixed into rice balls, which is the same as the nature of the nest in the north) That said that if you can eat a bowl of white noodles, it will be good! Some people even whimsically said that they really wanted to eat a big fat piece of greasy meat.

This is how the leader was trained, Zhu Yuanzhang's first practice of holding people's hearts and trees of prestige, you have to obey!

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused a fierce discussion. Some people say, come on, the rich man eats meat! Some people echoed, yes, I have seen Mr. Liu eat meat, full of mouth oil, just don't know what it tastes like. Some people even yearn for infinity to say that if I can eat a meal of meat in this life, I can do anything!

Everyone is full of tongues, the more they talk, the hungrier they become, and they are salivating. Zhu Yuanzhang, who had just become the eldest brother, listened to everyone's discussion, and his heart was full of pride and ambition, and he felt that it was time to show some of his ability to be a big brother and seek some practical benefits for everyone. Thinking of the fire, and then looking at the herd of cattle grazing leisurely in the distance, he suddenly tapped his not-so-thick thigh: "Yes! ”

Everyone listened to his shout, and stopped and asked, what is there? Zhu Yuanzhang said with a bad smile, Hey hey! We guard so much meat every day, and we haven't even tasted the taste of meat, do you say that it is the biggest fool in the world?

This is how the leader was trained, Zhu Yuanzhang's first practice of holding people's hearts and trees of prestige, you have to obey!

Everyone still did not react, Zhu Yuanzhang beckoned the three younger brothers to come over, walked to the side, so and so, so and so muttered for a while. Zhou and Xu opened their eyebrows and smiled, and Tang He's eyes widened as they listened. Although his heart was straight hairy, he still couldn't withstand the temptation in the end, so he nodded vigorously.

Although they are only ready to fight cattle now, they are still brothers and sisters. Zhu Yuanzhang finished his orders, so he went over and led a calf he had grazed back, Xu Da immediately came over and tied the front and back legs of the calf with a rope, Zhou Dexing had already copied the axe and was waiting, according to the head of the bull was an axe. The cow's forehead, like the seven inches of a snake, is the key point of the cow, and they deal with the cow every day, and naturally understand the mystery.

Although the cow knew that his key part was on his head, he never dreamed that today would be his own doom, and not only fulfilled the wishes of a bunch of foodies, but also became a victim of others' popularity and prestige. The calf was hit by a powerful axe, and immediately fell down as soon as its front legs were weak, and then the chopping axe and the chopping knife greeted the bozi and the body. Soon it turned into a pile of meat to be slaughtered.

This is how the leader was trained, Zhu Yuanzhang's first practice of holding people's hearts and trees of prestige, you have to obey!

The other cattle herders were also small adults of twelve or thirteen years old, and by this time they had also understood that some people had taken the initiative to join the ranks of the cattle slaughtering army. To those who were still holding back, Zhu Yuanzhang commanded: What are you still doing? If you want to eat beef, quickly check some branches, build stones, and let's be the rich man today and eat grilled steak!

Everyone cheered and busied themselves, and then the beef was put on the fire piece by piece. These teenagers who have never eaten meat, their eyes are glowing green, their stomachs are open, and they don't care whether they are red or black in their mouths, just swallowing hard into their stomachs, the red part is of course uncooked meat, and the black one is charred outside. After eating this roast steak, everyone rolled on their bulging bellies while burping their full belies and paying for what they wanted.

It is indeed a very pleasant thing for the children of poor families to be able to eat a meal of meat and manage enough. But it didn't take long for someone to return to reality and start to get scared: "We ate the big old man's cattle, and the big old man must not eat us?" ”

This is how the leader was trained, Zhu Yuanzhang's first practice of holding people's hearts and trees of prestige, you have to obey!

At this reminder, everyone panicked, still nibbling on the soup of a large bone and shaking their hands, naturally staring at Zhu Yuanzhang, Xu Da and Zhou Dexing, they also invariably focused their eyes on Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Yuanzhang looked at everyone's face, and a wave of pride shot straight into the clouds: "You don't have to be afraid, I killed the cow, as long as everyone doesn't say it, and do as I tell you, I will bear it alone." ”

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang instructed everyone to bury the remaining bull heads, cowhides, and cow bones, and then inserted a stone crack in the tail of the cow left alone, and told everyone to make an offensive and defensive alliance like this and so.

When everyone finished handling the crime scene, the sun also went down. Everyone was anxious to drive the cattle home. Liu Jizu was standing at the entrance of the village waiting for his baby cow to come home, which was what he had to do every day, and he knew that every cow was a fortune! Soon he found that there was a calf missing, and Zhu Yuanzhang lied at this time without even blinking his eyes: "Lord, your old man is blessed, the mountain god took a fancy to our family's flower calf, summoned it, the calf drilled into the cave, and was caught in the cracks of the stone and could not come out." You are always waiting for the mountain god to bless you! ”

This is how the leader was trained, Zhu Yuanzhang's first practice of holding people's hearts and trees of prestige, you have to obey!

Liu Jizu was from the landlord's family, but he was not a stupid boy. Can he believe this pediatric trick? He asked two family members to accompany him to the scene for a walk and the truth was revealed. Annoyed and angry, Liu Jizu kicked Zhu Yuanzhang away and ordered the two family members: "Fight to the death!" ”

A large group of cattle herders watched Zhu Yuanzhang being beaten, the atmosphere did not dare to come out, and the legs and stomachs were straight up. Still Tang and brain reacted quickly, panicked and ran to report to Zhu Wusi and his wife. By the time Zhu Wusi and his wife Chen Erniang arrived, Zhu Yuanzhang was already lying on the ground dying.

Chen Erniang's tears suddenly burst out like a spring, and Zhu Wusi picked up his beloved son and went to liu Jizu to reason. Zhu Yuanzhang opened his eyes and said angrily, "Father, mother, let's go home, we can't fight the big master!" ”

This is how the leader was trained, Zhu Yuanzhang's first practice of holding people's hearts and trees of prestige, you have to obey!

If Liu Jizu still has a trace of mercy compared with his brother or more landlords, it is that he did not kill them all. You must know that in the agrarian society, cattle are an important means of production, and if they are sued to the government, they will be able to drink a pot of wine from the old Zhu family. At present, Liu Jizu neither wants the Zhu family to compensate (knowing that they cannot afford to pay), nor does he sue the officials, but only beat Zhu Yuanzhang badly.

Zhu Yuanzhang was beaten, and the cattle randres were also lost. But his prestige among the children was even higher, and people his age obeyed him, because the beef was eaten by everyone, but he was the only one who could be beaten. They all feel that he is particularly moral and responsible.

Years later, this period of suffering and humiliation was like the memory left by the long leather whip on his body, deeply imprinted in Zhu Yuanzhang's mind. Perhaps it was from this moment that he began to look at this calamity-stricken world with a wide-eyed eye, enduring, waiting, accumulating, fantasizing about one day retaliation like slaughtering calves.

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