
Musk's super crazy prediction at the end of the year: the financial storm in 2022, few can survive!

Musk's super crazy prediction at the end of the year: the financial storm in 2022, few can survive!

Musk, the founder of Tesla, who often speaks out on Twitter, this time challenged the macro-economy, believing that the next financial crisis will occur around the spring and summer of 2022, and at the latest in 2023.

Musk's super crazy prediction at the end of the year: the financial storm in 2022, few can survive!

At the end of 2021, the epidemic has not yet seen the dawn, the financial situation and future policy direction in 2022 are full of uncertainty, and some investors are worried that inflationary pressure will drag down the stock market weakness, often on Twitter (Twitter) Tesla founder Elon Musk (Elon Musk), this challenge predicts the macro economy, he believes that the next financial crisis will occur in the spring and summer of 2022, and 2023 at the latest.

Musk's super crazy prediction at the end of the year: the financial storm in 2022, few can survive!

A Twitter user lists 936 unicorns with a market capitalization of more than $1 billion in the world today, "What will happen to these startups in the next 5 years?"

After the post was exposed, Musk responded on the 31st, "If you look at history, few can survive the next financial crisis", and then some users asked Musk when do you think the next financial crisis will occur? Musk bluntly said that forecasting the macro economy is very challenging, and in his opinion, "intuition may occur in the spring and summer of 2022, and no later than 2023."

Musk, who rarely commented on the macroeconomic situation, suddenly made a prediction, and many netizens felt very fresh after reading it, curious about what basis Musk came up with this argument, "It is indeed difficult to accurately predict the time point of the next recession, is there any precursor that makes you feel that the economic situation is worrying?" "Intuitively, it is possible that the economy will decline sometime in 2022-2023?" How much will the decline be then?".

Musk's super crazy prediction at the end of the year: the financial storm in 2022, few can survive!

In addition, according to the latest CNBC survey, more than half of the respondents believe that the biggest hidden worry of the economy in 2022 comes from the pressure of high inflation, worried about affecting the return on investment in the stock market, while other respondents believe that the US Federal Reserve will raise interest rates at the wrong time is the most worrying, and only a small number of people are worried that the epidemic is difficult to slow down, which is the biggest crisis in the economy.

It is worth mentioning that Musk's "intuitive" prediction of the timing of the possibility of a financial crisis overlaps with the coincidence of the Indian prodigy who has made many accurate predictions. Indian prodigies have previously predicted that due to the impact of the epidemic, governments will implement lockdown measures again, the economy will be hit hard from March to April 2022, and Omicron will repeat the history of past outbreaks, plunging the economy into the abyss, and this time point has a surprising coincidence with the time of Musk's recession next spring and summer.

In the spring of 2022, the Fed will end at a point where its drawdown will end; the summer of 2022, as Bill Gates predicted, could be an important node in the end of the global pandemic; no later than 2023, the global pandemic is likely to end, and the Fed has raised interest rates more than twice.

Hopefully, none of this will happen.

In December 2021, Musk "emptied" all the properties under his name, and was jokingly called a "homeless person".

Subsequently, most observers expressed their views that Musk sold his house to avoid taxes, and reduced his holdings of Tesla to pay taxes. Placed in the current scene, as if there is nothing wrong at all, the explanation is seamless.

On December 31, 2021, it was not coincidental that the day before the New Year, Musk answered a question from netizens "when will the next financial crisis come", and the answer was this: "Predicting the macro economy is very challenging, my intuition is that it may be in the spring or summer of 2022, but not later than 2023."

The stock market has taught me that the experience goes like this: "Bottoming out in despair, developing in hesitation, ending in joy." ”

The global stock market in the epidemic has actually verified the first half.

Musk's super crazy prediction at the end of the year: the financial storm in 2022, few can survive!

The 2008 US subprime mortgage crisis, many people estimate that it is still fresh in memory, Musk in 2020 when the United States released water, decided to gradually empty the name of the property, is a reference to the last financial crisis.

In 2010, on the eve of Tesla's successful listing, the New York Times said Musk was on the verge of bankruptcy. Years later, Musk personally admitted, "Tesla is only a month away from bankruptcy." ”

That is to say, the last financial crisis almost knocked him down, and now, Musk, who we have always regarded as "radical", has made preparations beyond the imagination of most people.

Radical has become a thing of the past.

Will there be a financial crisis in 2022? At what point it will break out, no one can predict at present.

All this is destined to return to dust and earth to earth.

Musk's super crazy prediction at the end of the year: the financial storm in 2022, few can survive!

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