
Why do you want to know a little bit about psychology?

author:Lemon Psychology ~
Why do you want to know a little bit about psychology?

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How do you think about psychology?

I found that some people have some prejudices about psychology, and they will feel that psychology is just talking on paper, that is, talking about some very empty words, which is useless, so there is no need to understand and study psychology.

Before talking about today's topic, I would like to share a story with you:

There was a lock on the gate, and hammers, axes, and saws all wanted to open the gate. The hammer struck the lock day and night, but with little effect, and finally failed to open the lock. The axe slashed at the lock with all its might, and the lock was mutilated by the axe, but it still could not open it. The saw tried hard to see the lock open, but he couldn't do it. At this time, an inconspicuous key came over, and the key inserted itself into the lock, and effortlessly opened the lock, and the key showed off to them: "You see, I know its heart best."

This story tells us:

When doing a thing, do it like a hammer, axe and saw, even if you make a lot of effort, you often don't get the desired effect, and only by using yourself as a key and understanding each other can you easily win.

Psychology is that key, knowing some psychology can help you understand each other better.

Why do you want to know a little bit about psychology?

Psychology plays a big role in interpersonal relationships.

Humans, like other animals, have a defensive and warning nature, which is a very normal thing, and if there is no defense, it is worrying.

Our defensive psychology is actually like an invisible lock:

When a suitable key is inserted, the big lock in our hearts is smoothly opened.

At this time we tend to be happy and see the key as "someone who understands me".

And those who blindly use brute force to break the heart lock, it is easy for us to resent and stay away.

Because the other person doesn't understand what we want, many of his actions only scare us and worry that we will be hurt.


Why do you want to know a little bit about psychology?

We have a certain psychological knowledge, try to make a lock, to understand each other's needs and what the other party really thinks, so how can it be difficult to open the lock of other people's hearts?

In relationships, many people find it difficult to get along, "How do I know what he's thinking!" "I can't understand him!".

In my opinion, if you have this feeling, either you don't have psychological knowledge and don't know the method, or you don't want to learn or are lazy to think and don't want to think about others.

In fact, if you take a relationship seriously, then you will definitely hope that the relationship can go on for a long time, and this process is indispensable to think and change.

Psychology is the key to helping you better, teaching you how to understand others and how to change your mental state appropriately.

Some people think that the psychological industry has only been on fire in recent years, in fact, when we open the history textbook, we can find that the ancients used psychology perfectly, such as Zhuge Liang, who skillfully used psychology to repel Sima Yi's hundreds of thousands of troops, and Cao Cao also used psychology to subdue many strategists to submit to himself.

Why do you want to know a little bit about psychology?

As the saying goes, knowing oneself and knowing the other is an interpretation of psychology.

In modern society, more and more fields require psychology, such as sales, negotiation, debate, speech, and so on. Using psychology to understand what others think and need, and to be a key to understanding others, you can achieve your goals more easily and smoothly.

Of course, psychology is not a panacea.

Even though we can learn psychology and use the knowledge and skills in it, but the human heart is complex, the situation is more complex, so in the process of practice, the specific situation is analyzed, and good at summarizing experience, this is the correct posture for us to use psychology.

Well, that's it for today. This article is original by [Lemon Psychology Classroom], pay attention to me, take you to increase knowledge together!

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