
Spicy field snail detailed proportional preparation

author:Food warriors
Spicy field snail detailed proportional preparation

Spicy field snail preparation

Ingredients: 2500 g snails.

Ingredients: 200 grams of vegetable oil, Pixian red oil bean paste 150 grams, green onion 50 grams, dried chili festival 50 grams, cooking wine 50 grams, soy sauce 50 grams, minced garlic 40 grams, 30 grams of peppercorns, 30 grams of minced ginger, 15 grams of refined salt, 15 grams of chicken powder, 5 grams of sugar, 5 grams of pepper powder, a bottle of beer.

Detailed stir-frying steps:

1, put 2500 grams of snails into the basin, add an appropriate amount of water to submerge, pour a little sesame oil, breed for half a day, the purpose is to let the snail spit out sediment.

2. After the snail spits out the sediment, repeatedly rub and rinse with water until the water is clear and not turbid.

3. Cut off the tips of the cleaned snails one by one, so that they can better taste and are more conducive to sucking out the snail meat when used.

4, put the treated snails into the pot, add water to submerge, then add cooking wine blanched water, bring to a boil on high heat, cook for a minute on low heat and then turn off the heat to take out, take out and rinse with cold water, control the water, set aside.

5: Add 200 grams of vegetable oil to the wok, add 150 grams of pixian red oil bean paste, and stir-fry to make the aroma. Then add 50 grams of dried chili peppers and 30 grams of peppercorns and sauté until fragrant. Then add 50 grams of green onion, 30 grams of minced ginger, 40 grams of minced garlic, stir-fry the aroma of the snails for a while, cook in 50 grams of soy sauce, fry the aroma of soy sauce and then add a bottle of beer, and then add 15 grams of salt, 10 grams of chicken powder, 5 grams of pepper, and sugar grams, and use low heat until two minutes later to collect the juice out of the pot.