
Spicy snail (green delicacy)

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Spicy snail (green delicacy)

By prodigal son lone wolf


Field snail 600 g

Dried chili peppers 15 g

Red pepper 10 g

Ginger 9 g

Chives 15 g

Chili noodles 6 g

Cooking wine 15 ml

Chicken essence 6 g

Sugar 6 g

Salt 5 g

Cooking oil 50 g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Spicy snail (green delicacy)

1. (1) Raise the snail with water for 24 hours and let it spit out sediment (change the water once every 12 hours)

Spicy snail (green delicacy)

2. (2) Wrap it in gauze, scrub it repeatedly, and then rinse it with tap water.

Spicy snail (green delicacy)

3: (3) Add water to the pot, put the snails in boiling water and blanch the water, then fish out and set aside.

Spicy snail (green delicacy)

4: (4) Chili pepper, green onion and ginger cut well and set aside.

Spicy snail (green delicacy)

5: (5) Pour oil into the pot, add shredded ginger and dried chili pepper to stir-fry, then add chili noodles, sugar, cooking wine, chicken essence, salt and stir-fry well.

Spicy snail (green delicacy)

6. (6) Add an appropriate amount of water.

Spicy snail (green delicacy)

7: (7) Pour in the snails, bring to a boil on high heat, reduce heat and cook for 20 minutes.

Spicy snail (green delicacy)

8: (8) Heat the juice, add the green onion, stir-fry well and you can get out of the pot

Spicy snail (green delicacy)

9, (9) finished products

<h2>Nutritional benefits of snails</h2>

Snail tastes sweet and salty, cold, into the spleen, stomach, liver, large intestine meridian; has the effect of clearing heat, relieving heat, diuresis, quenching thirst, sobering wine; treating heat knots and urinating unfavorably, jaundice, athlete's foot, edema, thirst, hemorrhoids, blood in the stool, red swelling and pain, hemorrhoids and poisoning.

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