
The Tiangong Painting Exhibition debuted on the Chinese space station, "Feeling Good" by the group Xi ti New Year gifts

On January 1, 2022, the "Dialogue between Youth and the Starry Sky" Tiangong Painting Exhibition was officially exhibited on the China Space Station on the first day of the New Year, and the Shenzhou 13 astronaut crew made an on-site display and introduction during the "New Year's Day Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Tiangong Dialogue" activity. This is the first Tiangong painting exhibition held on the China Space Station, and more than 20 space-themed paintings created by teenagers in the Central and Western regions have appeared in China's "Tiangong".

The Tiangong Painting Exhibition debuted on the Chinese space station, "Feeling Good" by the group Xi ti New Year gifts

It is understood that in order to create a strong atmosphere to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and help promote the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, from September to October 2021, the China Manned Space Engineering Office, together with the China Aerospace Foundation, the 208 Institutes of the Second Academy of Aerospace Science and Industry Group Co., Ltd., and other units organized the "Youth and Starry Sky Dialogue" face-to-face activities between young people and manned space in the central and western regions. During the Tianzhou-3 and Shenzhou-13 missions, representatives of teachers and students from 11 provinces and autonomous regions in the central and western regions were invited to wenchang cosmodrome and Jiuquan satellite launch center to carry out a "youth and starry sky dialogue" with Chinese astronauts and scientific and technological workers on the manned space front.

The Tiangong Painting Exhibition debuted on the Chinese space station, "Feeling Good" by the group Xi ti New Year gifts

At the beginning of September, with the infinite reverie and wonderful vision of the vast space, the children sketched out their imaginary rockets, spaceships, space stations and magical space life on the drawing paper. From Wenchang to Jiuquan, from watching the rocket launch to sending astronauts out on the expedition, these children who have never been in close contact with aerospace or even out of the mountains continue to harvest the "firsts" in their lives: the first time they go out, the first time they take a plane, the first time they go to the launch site, the first time they see the launch, the first time they launch a water rocket they made by themselves, the first time they listen to an academician's lecture, and the first time they have face-to-face communication with space heroes...

As the activities progressed, the children began to develop a bold idea that they hoped would be sent to the Chinese space station and to the uncles and aunts of astronauts on missions on the occasion of the New Year. In order to realize the children's dream, through the joint efforts of many parties, this "mysterious gift" was hoped to take the "Heavenly Boat" to the "Heavenly Palace".

On October 14, at the Shenzhou 13 astronaut meeting with reporters, a little girl from Pishan County in the southern Xinjiang region told Wang Yaping, an astronaut who is about to go out into space, "Our children in the central and western regions have prepared a 'mysterious gift' for you and the crew, which has been delivered to the space station, I hope you can like it." ”

More than 2 months later, 3 astronauts opened the gift as promised. In addition to the surprise, they decided to hold a Tiangong painting exhibition on the Chinese space station to convey the children's dreams to more people and ignite the spark of more people chasing their dreams.

On the first day of the new year, this "grounded" exhibition was held on the "tall" space station, the paintings were young but full of true feelings, through the live camera, people could truly feel the children's enthusiasm for a happy life, the infinite vision of the vast universe and the beautiful imagination of the future development prospects of the aerospace industry. In particular, a description of the work from the Eighteen-Hole Village in Hunan Province reads, "Look, the Martians have come to visit the Eighteen-Hole Village in Hunan!" This was once a poor area, and now after targeted poverty alleviation, people have lived a well-off life. ”

What does happiness really taste like? After experiencing a series of leaps and bounds in China's manned spaceflight from scratch, from scratch, from short-term flight to long-term residence, from living in a "single room" to living in a "suite", Chinese astronauts proudly said the common voice of Chinese astronauts in the vast universe, "Feel good!" ”

In the follow-up, the "Youth and Starry Sky Dialogue" series of theme activities will run through the construction and operation of the space station, combined with the normalization of major tasks, in order to give full play to the special advantages of the manned space project in promoting patriotism, boosting people's morale, and strengthening China's self-confidence, sowing the spiritual fire of looking up at the stars and flying in the hearts of the vast number of young people, and stimulating the enthusiasm for carrying forward the spirit of spaceflight and devoting themselves to the space industry.

Source Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Liu Suya

Editor Intern Editor Zhao Siyao

Process Editor Liu Weili

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