
Linxia Food Standards Announced Five Top Ten "Taste of Hezhou" Revealed

author:China Gansu Net
Linxia Food Standards Announced Five Top Ten "Taste of Hezhou" Revealed

On the evening of December 31, the "Taste of Hezhou" Linxia Cuisine Selection Standard Formulation and Achievement Conference was held in Linxia Prefecture, covering 3 categories and 46 items of the "Linxia Food Standard", which was officially released, and the top ten famous dishes, ten snacks, ten famous points, ten bowls of noodles and ten famous banquets of Linxia cuisine were also officially announced. At the same time, it was also revealed that the Linxia Food Publicity Slogan Collected Award-winning Works and the Linxia Food Short Video Contest Award-winning Works.

Linxia Food Standards Announced Five Top Ten "Taste of Hezhou" Revealed

Guo Heli, secretary of the Linxia Prefecture Party Committee, presented awards to the first prize winners of the short video competition

It is understood that in order to take the road of standardization and brand development of the Linxia gastronomic industry, the Linxia Prefecture Gourmet Catering Association will work with all parties to excavate the food processing and inheritance skills in the state, absorb and learn from the mature process process, compile the relevant specific standards, and invite experts from Beijing and the province to jointly review and improve in mid-December.

Linxia Food Standards Announced Five Top Ten "Taste of Hezhou" Revealed

Participating leaders and guests

There are 46 standards in 3 categories formulated this time, of which 40 standards for the production of special cuisine are mainly divided into four parts: "Top Ten Famous Dishes", "Top Ten Snacks", "Top Ten Famous Spots" and "Ten Bowls of Famous Noodles", which stipulate the name, raw materials, knife modification process, ingredient ratio, condiment ratio, production process and process, sensory requirements, nutritional structure, etc.; 4 brand standards, mainly for the standardized management of "Hezhou Taste" brand stores, "Hezhou Taste" brand catering service specifications, "Hezhou Taste" Brand building standard guide - brand chain store, "Hezhou taste" brand construction standard guide - double brand alliance store" and other four parts of the content, stipulating the design specifications and implementation of construction standards, etc.; catering industry system standards 2 items, mainly Linxia Prefecture catering industry business specification standards and Linxia Prefecture catering industry service standards two parts, stipulating the basic requirements that catering enterprises should have, business sites, equipment and facilities, rules and regulations, health safety and follow-up treatment put forward normative requirements, Suitable for all types of economic catering enterprises.

Linxia Food Standards Announced Five Top Ten "Taste of Hezhou" Revealed

Linxia cuisine on display

Ma Jun, president of Linxia Prefecture Gourmet Catering Association, introduced that while advocating the large-scale operation of the catering industry, the standard takes into account the operating characteristics of small and medium-sized catering enterprises, has strong industry guidance and operability, and is the basic standard in the catering industry standard system. The implementation of this standard will be conducive to standardizing and guiding the business behavior of catering enterprises, improving the management level of enterprises, and promoting the healthy, sustainable and stable development of the catering industry.

Linxia Food Standards Announced Five Top Ten "Taste of Hezhou" Revealed

The "top ten famous dishes" of Linxia cuisine announced at the press conference are: Dongxiang hand-grabbed lamb, red pine mushroom stewed chicken, dry pot potato chips, Linxia stir-fried grass chicken, Liujiaxia carp, Hezhou buckle beef, mutton eggplant, Hezhou white ear pigeon egg soup, Kangle Qingshui steak, Hezhou warm pot.

Linxia cuisine "top ten snacks" are: Hezhou stuffed skin, Guanghe sweet wheat, hair noodle sausage, Hezhou beef offal, rice wine mutton, Hezhou buckwheat flour, Hezhou eight treasure mash, Hezhou sticky cake, plum blossom sheep's head, Hezhou sugar melon.

The "top ten famous points" of Linxia cuisine are: Hezhou buns, Hezhou pot helmets, Hezhou oil incense, Hezhou bud noodle drums, Linxia grids, Hezhou stew pots, miscellaneous noodles cloud flowers, Hezhou sugar shortbread, Hezhou flower dumplings, Andhezhou sugar oil cakes.

Linxia cuisine "ten bowls of famous noodles" are: Linxia beef noodles, Heyan noodles, Hezhou old stir-fried, Hezhou large brine noodles, Hezhou noodles, Linxia flat food, sauerkraut hand-rolled noodles, lentil finch tongue noodles, Hezhou churned dough, Hezhou steamed rice.

The "top ten famous banquets" of Linxia cuisine are: Linxia Peony Feast, Hezhou Traditional Eight Bowls, Dongxiang Ping gang feast, Dongxiang Pot Meat Feast, Hezheng Health Feast, Jishishan County Wedding Feast, Recreation Welcome Banquet, Guanghe Traditional Hezhou Feast, Yongjing Yellow River Fish Feast, Linxia County Whole Cow Feast.

Linxia Food Standards Announced Five Top Ten "Taste of Hezhou" Revealed

Linxia cuisine is a historical inheritance that has lasted for thousands of years, is a feast that stimulates people's taste buds, is a unique charm of cultural scenery, and is a national spirit of dedication and hard work.

"Building a ten-billion-level gastronomic industry is a major decision and deployment made by the Linxia Prefecture Party Committee and the state government based on the advantages and development conditions of Linxia's characteristics, judging the hour and sizing up the situation, and guiding the situation, which is an important support for driving industrial development, polishing the city's business card, and promoting the integration of culture and tourism, and is a bridge link to enhance urban exchanges and deepen cultural interaction." Li Yong, vice governor of Linxia Prefecture, introduced that the convening of this conference marks that the Linxia food industry has entered a new stage of nationalization, standardization and brand development, which is of milestone significance for improving the Linxia food industry system and brightening the "Hezhou Taste • Linxia Cuisine" brand.

Linxia Food Standards Announced Five Top Ten "Taste of Hezhou" Revealed

Linxia special fish feast on display

Li Yong said that next, Linxia Prefecture will further enhance economic thinking, give play to market forces, conform to the international demand for gastronomic diversity, eclectically expand the circle of friends of "Linxia Cuisine", and dig deep into the potential, multi-measures, and continue to exert efforts in terms of food promotion and publicity, gastronomic cultural exchanges, gastronomic research and development innovation, gastronomic standard formulation, gastronomic talent training output, etc., through policy traction, fund leverage, activity momentum, and cultivate strong enterprises, effectively integrating the innovation chain, value chain from the field to the supermarket to the kitchen to the table, Industrial chain, supply chain, so that the construction of "Linxia cuisine" returns to the original meaning of using creativity to make the food industry benefit the people, empower the city and promote the sustainable development of the city, so that "Linxia on the tip of the tongue" becomes the hard-core competitiveness of cultural and tourism integration, so that "Hezhou taste" is excellent because of Linxia, and Linxia is proud of "Hezhou taste".

Linxia Food Standards Announced Five Top Ten "Taste of Hezhou" Revealed

The scene of the press conference

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