
The new crown "nemesis" is coming? Immediately after injection, China's development has amazed the world

Acute infectious diseases are diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms, and bacteria, viruses, and fungi can cause acute infectious diseases. Acute infectious diseases spread rapidly, so they can easily spread over a large area and become an epidemic.

If people neglect their daily hygiene work, or don't pay attention to it early in the epidemic, it can be very harmful, and this is the case with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Now that the COVID-19 pandemic has spread across the globe for two years, the epidemic prevention and control situation is not ideal. As a rule of thumb, strengthening social distancing is an effective measure, but in other countries, except for China, this work is not doing well.

The new crown "nemesis" is coming? Immediately after injection, China's development has amazed the world

The Omikeron mutation strain makes people anxious

Vaccination against COVID-19 can interrupt the spread of COVID-19, but the vaccination situation in different countries is different, the number of COVID-19 vaccinations in China is increasing, and the COVID-19 vaccination work in the United States has stopped.

Some underdeveloped countries, such as Africa and Latin America, do not yet have enough vaccines to be vaccinated. At this moment, the Aomi Kerong mutant strain reappeared. At the same time, the Delta strain is still raging.

Various mutant strains continue to appear, people began to worry about whether the efficacy of vaccines would be affected, whether the speed of vaccine updates could keep up with the mutation rate of the new crown virus, and people hoped to see a special drug appear to immediately block the spread of the new crown virus.

The new crown "nemesis" is coming? Immediately after injection, China's development has amazed the world

In the second half of 2021, China successfully developed a new crown special drug

Many countries are strengthening the research on specific drugs for the new crown virus, and some pharmaceutical companies in the United States have completed some early and mid-term studies of specific drugs for the treatment of the new crown virus, but later clinical trials have shown that the effect is very different from expectations. Recently, there has been good news from China.

A specific drug developed in China to treat new crown pneumonia has been declared successful, and this drug is actually a hybrid drug. It is a combination of two antibodies and then treatment of the patient.

After dissolving the drug with normal saline, it is injected into the patient by intravenous infusion. After 40 minutes of infusion, the drug completely enters the patient's body.

The new crown "nemesis" is coming? Immediately after injection, China's development has amazed the world

According to earlier research data, after the use of this specific drug, the mortality rate of patients with new crown pneumonia can be significantly reduced. This drug was studied before the advent of the Omikejong mutant strain, but experiments have shown that the drug is also effective against the Omikejung variant strain. Adverse reactions to the drug are also not obvious.

It will take some time for the drug to officially enter the clinic and go on the market. Still, the drug has attracted a lot of attention, and some countries want to strengthen cooperation with China.

However, despite the availability of special drugs, we should also pay attention to the role of some current prevention and control measures, because China has proved with more than a year of experience that even without specific drugs, the harm of the new crown pneumonia epidemic can be minimized by strengthening social distancing control and timely injection of new crown pneumonia vaccines.

Some reference information source: Overseas Network

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