
How to respond to floods

author:Nine Weather Passes

Flooding refers to the natural phenomenon of a rapid increase in the amount of water in a river and a sharp increase in water level due to heavy rains or reservoir dam failure.

Emergency measures: (1) when suddenly hit by floods, be heavy and calm, and safely transfer at the fastest speed, safe transfer should first personnel and then property, first the old, young, sick and disabled, and then other personnel, must not have a fluke mentality; (2) surrounded by floods, with communication conditions, you can use communication tools to seek rescue, no communication tools to find ways to send a distress signal to the outside world, while you can look for large floating objects, etc., take the initiative to take self-help measures. (3) When the house is besieged by floods, it should quickly arrange for the family to move to the roof and find a way to send a distress signal; (4) after the flood is often accompanied by the outbreak of the epidemic, attention should be paid to epidemic prevention work.

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