
She was a red female agent, enlisted in the army at the age of 35, became a special meritorious service at the age of 40, and returned to her hometown to work as a farmer at the age of 50

At the beginning of this century, the famous revolution memorial hall, the Revolution Memorial Hall of Jiluyu Border Region, was officially completed and opened to the public. Here, we have seen many real historical pictures of the Japanese invasion of China, and we have also seen many companions of the revolutionary ancestors who defended their homes and the country. Among them, a "sewing bag" in the "Red Agent" exhibition area has aroused everyone's doubts and curiosity, how did this "sewing bag" appear here, and what kind of story does its owner have?

1. Ordinary peasant women

The owner of this "sewing bag" is named Zhu Wenqi. Zhu Wenqi was born in 1905 and is a native of Dingtao County, Shandong Province. Although he did not go to school for a day, Zhu Wenqi had great insight and was very intelligent. When Zhu Wenqi was eighteen years old, he was introduced by the villagers to marry a young man in Dingtao. The man's family is not very wealthy, and the married life of the two is also enjoyable although they are poor. Within two years, Zhu Wenqi gave birth to two big fat boys.

She was a red female agent, enlisted in the army at the age of 35, became a special meritorious service at the age of 40, and returned to her hometown to work as a farmer at the age of 50

Such a bland life still suffered: the Japanese came. At that time, it was the period when Japan launched a full-scale war of aggression against China, and the Japanese army soon reached the Shandong region. In order to resist the footsteps of the Japanese army, the local Kuomintang army went around grabbing Zhuangding and repairing fortifications. Zhu Wenqi's husband was captured and later killed by Japanese stray bullets on the battlefield.

Zhu Wenqi, who lost her husband, took her two children to hide in Tibet and protect herself. The Japanese sweep of the area soon ended, and Zhu Wenqi and his children returned to the village, which was already in ruins and ruins. Zhu Wenqi gritted his teeth and cleaned up the village with the villagers to continue the previous farm life.

She was a red female agent, enlisted in the army at the age of 35, became a special meritorious service at the age of 40, and returned to her hometown to work as a farmer at the age of 50

2. Red Agent

At that time, Dingtao, Shandong, had all fallen into enemy-occupied areas, and all the Kuomintang troops were repelled, while the guerrillas of the Communist Eighth Route Army were still active in the local area, bringing constant harassment and invasion to the Japanese puppet army. In order to better carry out local work, the commander of the Eighth Route Army took great risks to recruit people in Zhu Wenqi's village, but everyone was reluctant to take risks because they had a family here.

At this time, Zhu Wenqi stepped forward and expressed his willingness to help the Eighth Route Army in the transmission of intelligence. At that time, many women still had the bad habit of "binding their feet", but Zhu Wenqi did not wrap their feet, and a pair of "liberation feet" could walk a long way in a day, so the Eighth Route Army accepted her request to join the company. In this way, Zhu Wenqi became a red agent.

She was a red female agent, enlisted in the army at the age of 35, became a special meritorious service at the age of 40, and returned to her hometown to work as a farmer at the age of 50

Soon, Zhu Wenqi received the task of being dispatched by his superiors: to pass on a top-secret intelligence to the county town next door to Dingtao. Zhu Wenqi dressed himself as a beggar woman, hid the information in a sewing bag on his chest and set off on the road. To the next county town to pass through a Japanese control of the diaolou stronghold, Zhu Wenqi arrived at the stronghold just in time for the strict investigation, but she was not afraid at all, but generously walked to the inventory point.

But when she was about to pass the pass, she was suddenly stopped by a puppet soldier who asked her what was on her chest. In the face of the enemy's questioning, Zhu Wenqi said naturally with an expression: "Military master, this is my sewing bag, do you want me to help you sew your clothes?" Hearing this, the puppet army let her go.

She was a red female agent, enlisted in the army at the age of 35, became a special meritorious service at the age of 40, and returned to her hometown to work as a farmer at the age of 50

With the successful experience of passing on intelligence for the first time, Zhu Wenqi became more and more skilled in his work after that. Later, the local Eighth Route Army spread the legend of a famous "Bigfoot Female Agent", and this "Bigfoot Female Agent" was Zhu Wenqi.

3. Meritorious Service

At that time, in the Dingtao area, in addition to the Japanese and puppet forces, there was also a bandit force, and the leader of this bandit force was named Wang Zijie. Wang Zijie often cooperated with the Japanese puppet army to arrest members of our army in the local area, which also brought great disasters to the local villages.

She was a red female agent, enlisted in the army at the age of 35, became a special meritorious service at the age of 40, and returned to her hometown to work as a farmer at the age of 50

In order to combat Prince Jie's forces, the Eighth Route Army formulated a battle plan against him. At that time, the leader of Wang Zijie's guard was none other than our party comrades, and in order to obtain the intelligence map of Wang Zijie's camp, the local prefectural party committee assigned Zhu Wenqi to go to the Wangzijie area to receive intelligence.

After Zhu Wen arrived at the place, he was arrested by Prince Jie's subordinates and tortured for his intentions. Zhu Wenqi was not afraid of danger, and told them that he was a matchmaker, and he had come to tell the captain of Prince Jie's guard that he was a matchmaker, which avoided persecution. After seeing the captain of the guard, Zhu Wenqi got the information he needed, and then hid the information in his clothes and walked out of the cottage with a big swing.

She was a red female agent, enlisted in the army at the age of 35, became a special meritorious service at the age of 40, and returned to her hometown to work as a farmer at the age of 50

It was this information that allowed the Eighth Route Army to grasp in detail the deployment of Prince Jie's camp and successfully capture Prince Jie. Subsequently, Zhu Wenqi was awarded the special merit for his outstanding contribution to intelligence transmission work.


After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Zhu Wenqi was appointed by the local prefectural committee as the director of the Dingtao County Women's Federation for his previous outstanding performances, assisting the local women's work. However, after Zhu Wenqi was on the right track in the work of the Women's Federation, he resolutely decided to resign and go home. She said that she did not know a single word, and the position of director of the women's federation should be given to people who are really talented and learned. Subsequently, Zhu Wenqi returned to the village and became a farmer again. In October 1982, Zhu Wenqi died of illness at the age of 77.

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