
Today, I will take you to know what are the nutritional fortification agents? What foods are nutrient enhancers commonly used for? Will flour be overdose of nutrients after eating nutrient boosters? References on calcium and high calcium milk

author:HealthCrew Nutritionist Corps
Today, I will take you to know what are the nutritional fortification agents? What foods are nutrient enhancers commonly used for? Will flour be overdose of nutrients after eating nutrient boosters? References on calcium and high calcium milk
Today, I will take you to know what are the nutritional fortification agents? What foods are nutrient enhancers commonly used for? Will flour be overdose of nutrients after eating nutrient boosters? References on calcium and high calcium milk

Text│ Green BB

In the impression of many people, food additives are not good for the body, or even harmful. Today, Qing BB takes everyone to know a food additive, which is not only good for the body, but also a nutrient in itself, and its big name is called food nutrition enhancer.

Why add nutritional enhancers?

Food nutrition enhancers are nutrients and other nutrients added to increase the nutrition of food.

In natural food, almost none contains all the nutrients needed by the human body; and in the process of processing, storage, and transportation, various nutrients will be lost to varying degrees.

If you only eat delicate staple foods, then you may be deficient in B vitamins; if you don't eat red meat, then you may be deficient in iron.

Coupled with the fact that our country is so large and has such a large population, iodine deficiency, rickets, nutritional anemia and so on may be widespread in some areas.

The uniform use of nutrient enhancers in one region can help improve nutritional deficiencies throughout the region. Nutritional enhancers can not only supplement the nutritional deficiencies of foods, but also improve the nutrient content and nutrient ratio in foods.

What are the nutritional enhancers <h1 class="ql-align-justify" >? </h1>

Generally, according to the type of nutrients, it can be divided into the following types of fortifications:

Vitamin enhancers: vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, niacin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, choline, inositol...

Amino acids and nitrogen-containing compounds: L-lysine, taurine, L-carnitine, lactoferrin, casein calcium peptide, casein phosphopeptide...

Mineral enhancers: iron, calcium, zinc, selenium, magnesium, copper, manganese, potassium, phosphorus...

Fatty acid enhancers: γ-linolenic acid, arachidonic acid (ARA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)...

What's missing. If the diet is balanced and the intake of various nutrients is sufficient, there is no need to deliberately choose nutritionally fortified foods.

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" > what foods are commonly used in nutrient enhancers? </h1>

Generally, the more common nutritionally fortified foods on the market are dairy products, flour, soy sauce, salt and so on.

dried milk

Infant milk powder, student milk powder, pregnant women's milk powder, middle-aged and elderly milk powder on the market are all nutritionally fortified.

For example, in infant milk powder, most of the nutrients in the nutrition facts list are added during the production process, in order to simulate the nutrients contained in breast milk as much as possible.

Today, I will take you to know what are the nutritional fortification agents? What foods are nutrient enhancers commonly used for? Will flour be overdose of nutrients after eating nutrient boosters? References on calcium and high calcium milk

Figure │ Green BB

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" > flour</h1>

Flour is particularly suitable as a carrier for fortified foods, especially in the northern regions where pasta is the staple food, and fortified flour can easily supplement a variety of essential nutrients.

General flour will strengthen calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, folic acid and other 7-8 nutrients.

Today, I will take you to know what are the nutritional fortification agents? What foods are nutrient enhancers commonly used for? Will flour be overdose of nutrients after eating nutrient boosters? References on calcium and high calcium milk

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" > will there be an overdose of nutrients from the nutrient booster? </h1>

Nutritional fortification of food should follow the principles of nutrition and maintain a reasonable balance of nutrients, so the general nutrient dosage is 1/3-1/2 of the recommended daily amount of the human body to prevent excessive intake and lead to metabolic disorders or poisoning.

Moreover, in the standard for the use of food nutrition enhancers GB 14880, there are clear restrictions on what foods to use and how many nutritional enhancers.

Today, I will take you to know what are the nutritional fortification agents? What foods are nutrient enhancers commonly used for? Will flour be overdose of nutrients after eating nutrient boosters? References on calcium and high calcium milk

Figure │ GB 14880-2012

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" > about calcium and high-calcium milk</h1>

The addition of calcium to milk becomes high-calcium milk.

There are many types of calcium agents, such as calcium carbonate, calcium lactate, calcium citrate, etc., the most commonly used are calcium carbonate and milk calcium (whey inorganic salt concentrate). The former is cheaper and the latter is easier to absorb.

However, the additional calcium is also quantitative, because the addition of foreign calcium will affect the original stability of the milk, resulting in precipitation. Therefore, high-calcium milk is actually not much higher than ordinary milk (you can also see it by comparing the nutritional composition table of the two).

Today, I will take you to know what are the nutritional fortification agents? What foods are nutrient enhancers commonly used for? Will flour be overdose of nutrients after eating nutrient boosters? References on calcium and high calcium milk

Comparison of pure milk of the same brand with high calcium milk

If you want to supplement calcium, eat dairy products (equivalent to 300g of liquid milk) and 150-250g of dark vegetables every day, as well as a variety of soy products, which can be a good calcium supplement.

< h1 class="ql-align-justify" > resources</h1>

[1] GB 14880-2012 National Standard for Food Safety Standard for the Use of Food Nutrition Enhancers

Chinese Nutrition Society. Dietary guidelines for Chinese residents (2016) [M]. People's Medical Publishing House

RUAN Guangfeng. Is high-calcium milk more calcium supplemental

Today, I will take you to know what are the nutritional fortification agents? What foods are nutrient enhancers commonly used for? Will flour be overdose of nutrients after eating nutrient boosters? References on calcium and high calcium milk

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