
The world's top ten richest people made 400 billion knives this year! Musk is firmly the richest man: Tesla has made a big contribution

On December 31, according to Bloomberg's updated 2021 Global Billionaires Index, the world's top ten richest people are worth more than $100 billion, of which Tesla CEO Elon Musk has the highest assets, reaching $274 billion, firmly ranking the world's richest man.

The world's top ten richest people made 400 billion knives this year! Musk is firmly the richest man: Tesla has made a big contribution

Xiao Lei learned that the net worth of the top ten richest people this year increased by a total of about $400 billion, and Musk's net worth increased by $118 billion this year, which is both the richest and the fastest growing rich. He was followed by Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin, Steve Ballmer, Warren Buffett, Larry Ellison and Mukesh Ambani of India. Nine of the top 10 richest people on the list are Americans and eight are from the tech industry.

Musk's value is rising like a rocket, which is bound to be inseparable from Tesla and another space company, the former is the world's hottest and highest-selling electric vehicle brand, synonymous with electric vehicles and driverless cars, and the latter is his bragging capital in space. Therefore, Musk has also become the most famous "Internet celebrity" in the world.

The world's top ten richest people made 400 billion knives this year! Musk is firmly the richest man: Tesla has made a big contribution

What can trap Tesla now may only be capacity in addition to production capacity. The company delivers hundreds of thousands of Tesla vehicles to the world every year, and next year's delivery volume is estimated to reach the million level, and Tesla still has a lot of room for growth in the context of vigorous popularization of new energy vehicles. That is to say, Musk's road to riches has not yet come to an end.

As the richest man in the world, Musk is also facing the pressure of being "robbed". Some time ago, the United States was planning to collect a "rich tax" on these American billionaires, and Musk has also posted many times. In addition to the "rich tax", Musk was also "forced" by the United Nations World Food Programme Administrator Beasley, calling on him to spend $6 billion to solve the famine of 42 million people around the world.

The world's top ten richest people made 400 billion knives this year! Musk is firmly the richest man: Tesla has made a big contribution

Speaking of Musk's biggest wish, it must be on Mars. In order to achieve the migration to Mars, Musk also emptied all the properties under his name and devoted himself to space unemployment. He also said that the money was just a burden to drag him down, and that selling the property was also to prevent others from finding a reason to "attack" him. It can be seen that Musk is living very lonely on Earth and needs to go to space to find an "opponent".

The world's top ten richest people made 400 billion knives this year! Musk is firmly the richest man: Tesla has made a big contribution

Of course, the value of the body is only a symbol for Musk, and it is easily affected by the market value of the company under him, and the high value does not mean that he can come up with so much money at once. Musk can sit firmly in the world's richest man, but also without the strong support of consumers and investors, Xiao Lei is quite concerned about when his bragging bull can be realized, whether it is the richest man is not so important.

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