
When Emperor Wu of Han and the Xiongnu went to war, why didn't the princes rebel? It turned out that they had already been cut

We all know Emperor Wu of Han, the reason why he was respected as a great emperor by others was because the war between him and the Xiongnu not only eliminated the threat of the north, but also played a nation's self-confidence, which made many scholars very admirable, but if we carefully study the history of Emperor Wu of Han, we will find that there seem to be some other historical possibilities in his wise and divine martial arts, for example, when Emperor Wu of Han and the Xiongnu fought, the princes behind him were actually fully capable of moving knives behind him. But it seems that from our historical records, Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty and the Xiongnu have been fighting smoothly, and the rear has never caught fire.

When Emperor Wu of Han and the Xiongnu went to war, why didn't the princes rebel? It turned out that they had already been cut

You know, since the beginning of The Han Jing Emperor and the Han Wen Emperor, the power of the princes has always been very restless, because they think that they are all descendants of Liu Bang, no one obeys anyone, although their opponent is the emperor, but the emperor is only a figure who ascends to the throne at will, for example, The Han Wen Emperor is an abnormal process of imperial power inheritance, so the princes have always looked down on the Han Jing Emperor and the Han Wen Emperor, so later there was the Rebellion of the Eight Kings, although after the suppression of the iron-blooded policy of the Han Jing Emperor, But in fact, by the time of Emperor Wu of han, there were still many powerful princes.

When Emperor Wu of Han and the Xiongnu went to war, why didn't the princes rebel? It turned out that they had already been cut

According to historical records, the King of Changsha and the King of Huainan have always been restless, they are always rubbing their fists, ready to compete with Emperor Wu of Han, at least since Emperor Wudi of Han was a child, these princes have been plotting, but strangely, from the beginning of Emperor Wudi of Han attacking the Xiongnu, until the end of the fight, those princes actually looked at Emperor Wudi of Han very silently, where they died, and actually did not launch any rebellion, which is really difficult to understand.

When Emperor Wu of Han and the Xiongnu went to war, why didn't the princes rebel? It turned out that they had already been cut

Historians have carefully studied this history, and suddenly found that these princes did not want to rebel, but because they had already been cut by Emperor Wu of Han, and did not have the courage and strength to rebel, according to historical records, Emperor Wu of Han did three aspects of work in order to defend against the rebellion of these princes, the first is the Tuien Order, he let the strength of the princes and princes continue to be divided by future generations, so that those princes can no longer gather the power of the rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms.

When Emperor Wu of Han and the Xiongnu went to war, why didn't the princes rebel? It turned out that they had already been cut

Then Emperor Wudi of Han relied on the advantage of conscription to select talents from the field of princes on a large scale, and as a result, all the talents of those princes and kings were left in the center, and all the people such as Xiang Main Father Yan and Dongfang Shuo were all recruited, so the Pig Emperor may still have a very strong strength there, but there is no excellent talent support, so the princes want to rebel, but their own intelligence can no longer play Emperor Wu of Han, so they can only be silent.

When Emperor Wu of Han and the Xiongnu went to war, why didn't the princes rebel? It turned out that they had already been cut

More importantly, Emperor Wu of Han also played a hand, that is, he wanted to fight with the Xiongnu, the princes could not lose the army, but they had to pay money to support, according to historical records, the two princes of Guanghuainan and Changsha donated 10 million yuan, which is an astronomical amount, but they were forced by the pressure of the central government, and did not want to participate in the war, they could only close their eyes and recognize this wealth, the princes lost their financial power, then naturally they did not dare to confront the central government. Therefore, when Emperor Wudi of Han fought with the Xiongnu, in fact, the princes had been weakened by Emperor Wudi of Han, they had the heart of thieves and the courage of thieves, and they did not even have the strength to resist at that time, and it was precisely because of this that Emperor Wudi of Han was able to fight with the Xiongnu wholeheartedly, which was the real history at that time.

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