
People's precious metal commemorative coin investment survey

Source: Financial Expo Fortune Magazine

Author| Wang Mengmeng Fan Changchuan "Digital 100 Data Research Institute"

In recent years, although people's investment and consumption concepts are constantly changing, as a variety of simple operation, high security, and certain value preservation and appreciation functions, precious metal investment has entered many families. Among them, precious metal commemorative coins with national credit endorsement and certain artistic value are favored by more and more collectors and investors.

Since the issuance of China's precious metal commemorative coins in 1979, Chinese Bank has issued a series of gold and silver commemorative coin "star" projects, such as the giant panda series, the zodiac series, the auspicious culture series, etc. Gold and silver commemorative coins are also loved by more and more consumers because of their unique market value.

So, how much do consumers know about precious metal commemorative coins? Which themes are more popular? In order to fully understand the people's awareness and participation in precious metal commemorative coins, Digital 100 Market Research and Financial Expo Fortune magazine conducted an online survey of 6,000 respondents across the country.

When investing in precious metal commemorative coins, people pay more attention to the subject matter and the issue price

In the investment industry, there is a saying that "Chinese mothers love to buy gold", which also reflects that the value of precious metals such as gold and silver is well known to the public, and gold and silver with low investment threshold and artistic added value are even more popular. Among them, precious metal commemorative coins with commemorative significance have naturally become the best choice.

With the continuous improvement of the public's awareness of China's precious metal commemorative coins, the number of people who regard precious metal commemorative coins as a collection and investment product is also growing. According to the survey data, 71% of the respondents have different degrees of understanding of the precious metal commemorative coins issued by the People's Bank of China, of which the respondents who "know very well" and "have a certain understanding" account for 19% and 52% respectively (see Figure 1).

People's precious metal commemorative coin investment survey

At the same time, the channels for respondents to learn about precious metal commemorative coins are mainly official issuers (57%), the Internet (51%), new media channels such as WeChat (50%), friends introduction (34%), distributors (14%), etc.

In fact, the investment value and quality definition of precious metal commemorative coins are ultimately determined by factors such as artistic achievements, the importance of the subject matter and the number of issues.

Survey data show that when investing in precious metal commemorative coins, the main information that respondents paid attention to was the theme of the commemorative coin, the issue price, the material and specifications, the number of issues, the binding and the design, accounting for 66%, 63%, 53%, 51% and 36% respectively (see Figure 2).

People's precious metal commemorative coin investment survey

Major commemorative themes and zodiac themes ranked in the top two

In general, China's precious metal commemorative coins have been issued for more than 40 years, and a variety of characteristic distribution themes have been formed, such as zodiac themes, Traditional Chinese culture themes, panda coin themes, etc.

For various themes of precious metal commemorative coins, survey data shows that the subjects preferred by respondents are mainly major commemorative themes (43%) and zodiac themes (41%), ranking in the top two. In addition, Chinese traditional cultural themes, scenic spots, famous mountains, world heritage themes, panda coin themes, aerospace themes, rare animal themes, China and the world outstanding historical figures themes, Chinese classical literature masterpieces themes, ancient Chinese and modern famous paintings (home) themes, ancient Chinese scientific and technological invention and discovery themes, sports themes, etc. are also people's attention, accounting for 37%, 37%, 33%, 32%, 28%, 27%, 26%, 26%, 26%, respectively, accounting for 37%, 37%, 33%, 26%, 25% and 19% (see Figure 3).

People's precious metal commemorative coin investment survey

The issuance of these precious metal commemorative coins shows the world 5,000 years of civilization development and long-standing history and culture in China. Among them, the precious metal commemorative coins with themes such as panda coins and zodiac coins have won many awards at home and abroad, and the panda gold coins are one of the world's five major investment gold coins, which is also a brand and star product in contemporary Chinese precious metal commemorative coins.

Precious metal commemorative coin investment strategy: moderate investment, hobby-oriented

For the purpose of buying precious metal commemorative coins, the survey data shows that it is mainly collecting hobbies (63%) and commemorative significance (63%), followed by investment needs (40%), better themes (27%) and gifts to relatives and friends (22%) (see Figure 4).

People's precious metal commemorative coin investment survey

Judging from the funds invested in precious metal commemorative coins, 78% of the respondents will invest less than 20% of their annual income.

How to monetize after investment is also one of the contents that respondents pay more attention to.

According to the survey data, for the realization of precious metal commemorative coins, the respondents favored the main methods of "recycling through physical stores" (54%), "recycling in the specialized coin market" (52%), "auction or pawn" (33%), "special door-to-door collection at an agreed time" (32%), "online consignment" (31%), etc. (see Figure 5).

People's precious metal commemorative coin investment survey

It can be seen that for the realization of precious metal commemorative coins, people prefer face-to-face transactions, and physical stores and coin markets have become the first choice for most people. For the construction of the above two kinds of monetization channels, it is worthy of attention by relevant departments and commemorative coin issuers.

At present, the entire precious metal commemorative coin market is still running at a low level, and some precious metal commemorative coins may fall below the issue price as soon as they are listed, which discourages many investors.

In the face of such market conditions, survey data shows that 27% of the respondents invest in precious metal commemorative coins to adopt a strategy of "fixed funds every year, pure hobbies", 24% of people take "waiting for the market price to fall again, before considering increasing capital investment", 21% of the respondents believe that "there is still a large bubble in the market, do not plan to increase capital investment", 15% of the respondents feel that "the trend is unclear now, look at it again", and 12% of the respondents said that "the price of many commemorative coins is very low, The investment of funds has been increased.".

The precious metal commemorative coin market still needs to be continuously improved

At present, the precious metal commemorative coin purchase and sale market is developing rapidly, but there are still many problems.

According to the survey data, 42% of the respondents believe that the precious metal commemorative coin is "not smooth to realize the channel", and 37% of the respondents feel that the precious metal commemorative coin is "getting lower and lower investment value". In addition, "poor purchase and sales information" (34%), "can not buy at the issue price" (33%), "some themes are not easy to buy" (33%), "the market has been sluggish for a long time" (27%), "the theme is not eye-catching" (24%), "there are not many design highlights" (23%), etc., are also the problems existing in the current precious metal commemorative coin purchase and sale market, which deserve the attention of all parties concerned (see Figure 6).

People's precious metal commemorative coin investment survey

Regarding the problems existing in the precious metal commemorative coin market, the survey data shows that respondents believe that the need for improvement is: "the official issue price purchase channel is smoother" (50%), "greater efforts to crack down on counterfeit precious metal commemorative coins" (46%), "multi-party efforts to establish multiple monetization channels" (46%), "reduce the issuance volume and make the entire precious metal commemorative coin market active" (40%), "select better themes" (32%), and "more application of international cutting-edge technology" (22%).

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