
Talking about money is the best criterion for testing feelings

Talking about money is the best criterion for testing feelings

Author | Natto Source | Ten O'Clock Reading (ID: duhaoshu)

Ending song: Chen Jieyi - Heartbeat

Wilde said: "When I was young, I used to think that money was the most important thing in the world, and now that I am old, I find that it is." ”

After all, we do not live in fairytale castles, but in the mundane world.

In this world, what we need to face is a real vegetable and a meal, a peach to repay the li's personal exchanges, and a way to get along with "you give me a papaya, and I give you Qiongyao".

Good relationships all seem to have a taste of money.

Only by learning to talk about money can we get along with each other more long.

Money is the touchstone for testing feelings

I know there is a hot post viewed by more than 90 million people - how to tell if a man really loves you?

An otolaryngologist named @Bai Zhou shared a true little story.

He said that when he was on night shift, he met a small couple.

When the girl ate the fish, she accidentally stuck the fish thorn in her throat and pulled her boyfriend to see a doctor.

It was a small thing, but the boy's performance made people cry and laugh.

Ever since he entered the doctor's office, he kept asking the girl, "Are you really stuck in a fish?" Shall we go back and see for ourselves? ”

The girl was aggrieved and angry: "Ka no ka fish thorn, I myself will not know?" ”

The doctor gave the girl a laryngoscope and found that the thorn was still quite deep, and if it was a little deeper, it would reach the trachea.

With a lot of effort, the doctor finally took out the fish bones.

Throughout the treatment, the boy not only kept babbling, but he didn't even have a word of concern for the girl.

When it was time to pay the fee, the boy blackened his face again: "20 is enough, right?" What the? How could it be 100 at once? It's more expensive than I can eat grilled fish..."

Finally, the girl couldn't bear it: "I want to eat Japanese food, if it wasn't for the discounted grilled fish with you, would I be like this?" ”

Talking about money is the best criterion for testing feelings

Now most people are in love, and they pay more attention to each other's appearance, talent, origin... But few people pay attention to each other's "view of money".

But it is this neglected "view of money" that often becomes a fatal wound to our feelings.

Many times, money is the touchstone for testing feelings.

If a man says that he loves you more than anything, but he is more than anything else in money, it will be difficult for you to feel true love.

Love, from the wind and snow moon to the chai rice oil and salt, indispensable to the romance under the moon before the flower, not to mention the number in the bank account.

As Sanmao said: "If love cannot be implemented in the small things of dressing, eating, and counting money, it cannot last long." ”

The person who really loves you still doesn't feel enough; the person who doesn't love you enough is afraid that you will spend an extra penny on him.

The person who is willing to spend money for you is not because he has more money, but he knows that you are more important than money.

As Tu Lei said: "Money is not the only criterion for testing true love, but it can measure the depth of affection between each other." ”

Talking about money does not necessarily hurt feelings, but it must see character

Shakespeare once said, "Money is a great magic wand that can change a person's appearance at will." ”

The encounter of Chongqing girl Xiao Zhou made her see the so-called "girlfriend love".

Xiao Zhou and Tang Li have a relatively good relationship, responsible for a project when working, and often play together in their spare time.

When Tang Li got married, Xiao Zhou wrapped a large red envelope of 1500 yuan.

Xiao Zhou opened her own shop, Tang Li came to play, and when she encountered something she liked, Xiao Zhou would give it to her as a gift.

Not long ago, Xiao Zhou was also getting married, so he took the candy to share the good news with his friends.

However, on the wedding day, Tang Li disappeared, and her name was not seen in the gift book.

Xiao Zhou was really sullen, so he asked Tang Li, "Are you here when I get married?" Did you forget to register your share of money? ”

Tang Li just shirked that she was too busy at work and forgot Xiao Zhou's wedding time. But the matter of gift money was never mentioned from beginning to end.

Not long after, Tang Li also called Xiao Zhou to help, at this time Xiao Zhou did not have a good word, directly replied: "You can't remember when I got married, but you remember me when there is something wrong." ”

Some netizens commented: "1500 pieces to know a person, but also worth it." ”

True friendship is definitely not to take advantage of each other under the pretext of a good relationship, but to exchange sincerity for sincerity.

The most feared thing is that I will treat you as a friend, but you will use me as an ATM.

In any relationship, we expect our efforts to be reciprocated.

The so-called talk about money hurts feelings, not because money is too vulgar, but because feelings are too weak.

If you see the true face of a person through money, it is not a good thing to stop the loss in time.

Talking about money is the best criterion for testing feelings

The heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2" was not originally Lu Jingshan.

The previous actress, who heard that the crew had a large amount of financing, temporarily proposed to increase the salary before filming began.

But Wu Jing was bent on using the money in post-production and making a good movie, and in desperation, he could only change people.

When Wu Jing found Lu Jingshan, she didn't even ask about the remuneration, and directly entered the group.

Unexpectedly, the "Wolf Warrior 2" fire, Lu Jingshan's reputation became famous.

On the other hand, the actress who temporarily increased the price missed the opportunity to take her career further.

Some relationships come to an end, not because of time, not because of distance, but because of a different view of money.

Some people say: "People with good money will not have too bad character; on the contrary, people with poor money will have a great discount on their character." ”

The world is quietly rewarding those who do not care about returns, and it is also secretly punishing those who sit on the ground and start to pay.

When you talk about money, don't talk to me about feelings

Writer Xie Kehui once told a story:

A boss once commissioned a friend to do market research, and after receiving the friend's data, he immediately asked the finance to pay.

The friend politely refused: "Since we are friends, I have never thought of charging." ”

The boss said, "It is precisely because we are friends that you should accept this money." Separating money and camaraderie is most enjoyable. ”

The boss later talked to Xie Kehui: "I like to take the initiative to talk about money, and I also like to be friends with people who take the initiative to talk about money." Taking the initiative to talk about money is not generous, it is precisely each other's sense of proportion, the more clearly money and friendship are divided, the longer it can last. ”

In the book "The Purchase of Intimate Relationships", it is said: "Money and emotion are mutually reinforcing relationships." ”

The best relationship between two people is not to disregard the interests of gain or loss, but to live up to the kindness of others and not to lose their conscience when talking about money.

In 2019, Huawei's global sales revenue reached 858.8 billion yuan, which is about the same as the total of BAT.

The reason why we can achieve such good results is inseparable from Huawei's salary and rewards.

At the beginning of the year, there were Huawei employees on the social platform who claimed that their annual salary after tax was as high as one million, although tired, but they were very grateful to Huawei for giving themselves a chance to be tired, and they shouted that they should do it until Huawei abandoned themselves!

Meng Wanzhou once said in a speech: "In the past, we set salaries according to academic qualifications. Now, we are paid by value. The annual salary of cattle people is also not capped. How ambitious and capable you are, we pay you as much as we want. ”

In addition to high salaries, Huawei has also implemented full shareholding to allow employees to gain more benefits.

This is probably why Huawei employees are willing to play with their lives and are willing to follow Ren Zhengfei to do business.

Talking about money is the best criterion for testing feelings

Guan Hong, a human resources expert, once said: "If the boss has only talked to you about ideals and not about money with you, then you can fire him, because he has crossed your survival needs." Bread is not yet there, what is the meaning of talking about poetry and far away? ”

Indeed, money is the basis for resisting accidents, and without the ideals and feelings of money, it is a house that has lost its foundation, and as soon as the wind and rain and hail come, it will collapse immediately.

Good bosses will take the initiative to talk about money, as Daniel Zhang, the founder of Haidilao, said: "Talking about money is the best respect for employees." ”

A good relationship must talk about money

In the movie "Parasite", it is said: "Money, like an iron, can burn all the folds of life." ”

In the adult world, there is no easy word, and the torments that make you sleepless are all money at work.

Lovers can have enough to drink between each other, but they will also mourn because of poverty.

Friends can get along without intertwining interests, but they should know how to communicate with each other.

Ideals can be talked about at work, but without the ideal of bread, it is a blank check.

Click [in the look], talk about money, in fact, talk about rules, seemingly inhumane, but will go further.

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