
For the sake of her husband Han Geng, how much did Lu Jingshan sacrifice?

author:Swim Beanie

Lu Jingshan's choice: How big is her sacrifice to give up her career for love?

For the sake of her husband Han Geng, how much did Lu Jingshan sacrifice?

Under the spotlight of the entertainment industry, Lu Jingshan's name used to be so shining. But since she entered the marriage hall hand in hand with Han Geng, her figure seems to have gradually faded out of the screen. What kind of story is hidden behind this, and what price did she pay for love?

For the sake of her husband Han Geng, how much did Lu Jingshan sacrifice?

Lu Jingshan, who used to be famous, became famous with her outstanding performance in "Wolf Warrior 2", and her career is booming. However, at the peak of her career, she chose to marry Han Geng, a decision that made the outside world talk about it. Is she really willing to give up the glory of her career for love?

For the sake of her husband Han Geng, how much did Lu Jingshan sacrifice?

After getting married, the number of Lu Jingshan's works decreased significantly, and her acting career seemed to have come to a standstill. This makes many fans feel sorry, and people can't help but wonder, what did she sacrifice for love?

For the sake of her husband Han Geng, how much did Lu Jingshan sacrifice?

As time goes by, Lu Jingshan and Han Geng's married life becomes sweeter and sweeter. After the birth of their child, the family became more complete. However, the arrival of the child also means that Lu Jingshan needs to pay more time and energy. Not only does she have to take care of her family, but she also has to face various challenges in her career. Is such a sacrifice worth it?

For the sake of her husband Han Geng, how much did Lu Jingshan sacrifice?

In the face of doubts and speculation from the outside world, Lu Jingshan has never responded positively. She uses her actions to interpret her persistence in love and dedication to her family. Perhaps, in her opinion, career and love are not either/or choices, but two aspects that need to be carefully balanced and operated.

Now, Lu Jingshan and Han Geng's marriage has gone through five years. Their relationship is still the same, and they have become a model couple in the entertainment industry. And Lu Jingshan's sacrifice and dedication have also brought happiness and satisfaction to the family. Such a result may be exactly what she expected at the beginning.

Lu Jingshan's story makes us think: On the road of pursuing our careers, do we ignore the love and family around us? When we are faced with the choice between career and love, how should we weigh and choose? Perhaps, true happiness does not lie in the glory of our career, but in our inner satisfaction and the warmth of our family. Lu Jingshan used her own choices to tell us that sometimes, for the sake of love and family, we also need to make brave sacrifices.

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