
Puyi was the last emperor, but had no children

Puyi is the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, but also the last emperor in the history of China's feudal dynasty, he has had many women in his life, but did not have any children, about the matter of no queen, the people have talked about it, all kinds of gossip is also endless.

Puyi was the last emperor, but had no children

The problem of Puyi's homosexuality is actually recorded in "The First Half of My Life", but it is more obscure, such as peeing in the mouth of a eunuch. Due to the historical conditions at that time and Puyi's own self-esteem, Jia Yinghua could not calmly tell the essence. Puyi's deformed family life with Wanrong, Wenxiu, Tan Yuling and others has always been shrouded in the shadow of Puyi's sexual incompetence. To verify this problem requires conclusive evidence, Jia Yinghua collected Puyi's medical records of that year, which have a complete record: "The patient (Puyi) had impotence when he was the former emperor in 30 years, and has been seeking treatment, and the effect is not good... He has a penchant for smoking, has been married three times, and has not had children. ”

Many of the people he interviewed confirmed this to varying degrees. Among them, He and Jia Yinghua, as the old eunuch Sun Yaoting, who "forgot to make friends", once served Puyi. Although the two have been in contact for more than 20 years, the old man has been unwilling to tell the truth for "avoiding the holy secret". It was not until shortly before his death that he told Jia Yinghua that Puyi was "not walking on the waterway, taking the dry road", which was a hidden feeling known to many people in the palace at that time, like Puyi's nursing mother and Wanrong's personal maid. Moreover, it is pointed out that Puyi's gay partner is called Wang Fengchi, who looks red with red lips and white teeth, and the photo of this person is now in Jia Yinghua's hand. Others, such as Puyi's bodyguards at the time of the pseudo-Manchu period, have said that Puyi "cannot be humane." Then there is Puyi's English teacher, Johnston, who is also a homosexual -- this is evidence that Jia Yinghua found when he visited Britain more than 10 years ago. Puyi and Li Shuxian almost divorced after marriage due to his sexual impotence, which is also confirmed by Li Shuxian's memoir manuscript.

Puyi was the last emperor, but had no children

Looking at Puyi's marriage, after the big wedding, Puyi rarely spent the night in Chuxiu Palace. Occasionally, once or twice, it became a rarity. In the morning, the emperor patted his ass and left, neither the kind of husband and wife between me, nor the slightest hatred and resentment. And Wanrong's expression is even more decadent, and Bo Shi Fandai's face often leaves traces of tears.

At first, each other's feelings rippled slightly, and Puyi and Wanrong stomped away from each other once, and the palace was boiling for a while. Especially among the well-informed eunuchs, there were many rumors of this, and some even had gods. A eunuch on duty in Puyi's palace had a good relationship with Sun Yaoting, and talking about this matter behind his back, he shook his head and whispered, "Fucking really isn't a thing, let the 'waterway' go, take the 'dry road', what is this called?!"

"It's a 'dry road,' it's called a 'waterway,'" Sun Yaoting was puzzled.

"You don't know in the palace yet?" People say that Banzai Grandpa does not go on the Queen's 'waterway' and takes her husband's 'dry road'. ”

"Oh..." At this time, Sun Yaoting seemed to have some understanding, and he was confused and uneasy about people daring to blaspheme Grandpa so vainly behind their backs. At the same time, it also seems that puyi has a new sense of his violent thunder not long ago. It seems that Puyi is not unaware of the criticism of the workers.

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