
Zodiac chicken, the four major blood types belong to the love of chicken people

Chicken people have a rather persistent concept of love, love will also make chicken people become naïve, simple, full of hope for the future, even if they know the cruelty of reality, still hold good hopes. Let's take a look at how the love of the four major blood types belongs to the chicken people.

Zodiac chicken, the four major blood types belong to the love of chicken people

The four major blood types belong to the love of chicken people, and the love concept analysis of different blood types of chicken people

First, type A blood belongs to the love of chicken people

Chicken people with type A blood are always full of affection in the process of love, although they love each other deeply, they always feel like something is missing. It can be said that even if the type A blood chicken people fall into the love network, they are not like ordinary people who will stir up love sparks, and they are not good at showing the affection of the other party. Generally speaking, chicken people with blood type A are in love, and they are also careful to guard against each other at any time, afraid of being hurt by each other.

Second, type B blood belongs to the love of chicken people

The chicken person with type B blood is a warm and naïve person, especially in the face of love, which will stimulate the truest side of himself. Type B blood chicken people will dedicate innocent love to their lovers, and their usual wayward behavior will disappear with them, which makes people around them less accustomed, although it is a little unnatural, but it will also make the other party very happy.

Third, AB type blood belongs to the love of chicken people

The love of the AB blood chicken is like a sunflower under the bright sun, and anyone who looks at it feels warm and brilliant. Their personalities are straightforward and naïve, and after encountering love, the whole person will invest in love, hoping to build a nest of love with the person they love. Their love is always vigorous, but too passionate, and may end up full of coldness.

Fourth, type O blood belongs to the love of chicken people

Chicken people with blood type O care a lot about what others think. Therefore, the criteria for choosing a partner are quite strict, and the other party may be required to be superior. After choosing a good object, I also hope that the other party will pay all sincerity and take good care of themselves. No matter how attractive the chicken people with type O blood are, whether the other party can accept their love as desired is still a question.

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