
What would have happened if Hitler had not invaded the Soviet Union but had continued to fight Britain?

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If Hitler insisted on attacking Britain, he would only lose worse. There must be a war in the Soviet Union, and it is better to fight late than to fight early!

The state of Europe before the Soviet-German War

Everyone knows that the Soviet-German War was one of the battlefields of the Second World War, and the Soviet-German War was also an important part of the world anti-fascist war. The campaign began on June 22, 1941, when Germany launched a surprise attack on the Soviet Union, and ended on May 8, 1945, when Germany surrendered unconditionally.

What would have happened if Hitler had not invaded the Soviet Union but had continued to fight Britain?

In the past few years, a series of changes have taken place, but before we analyze this matter in detail, we must first go forward.

Look at what the whole of Germany and the Soviet Union faced before the Soviet-German war.

Germany's invincibility

In 1940, a very important thing happened, and it became a turning point in the entire European battlefield.

That is, Hitler accepted the surrender of the French army

Some might ask Hitler what it meant to accept the surrender of the French army. If we look at the map of Europe as a whole, it is not difficult to see that almost all of Europe at that time had become Hitler's pocket, with the exception of Italy and Britain.

There is not much to say about Italy, after all, Italy is one of Hitler's few pig teammates, and in the later stages, it was saved from too much loss because of its early side. But in any case, at this very moment Hitler and Italy are still a state of good friends. At this time, because the British occupied the natural danger, the British Isles were still able to resist to the death, and Hitler at this time could not seem to carry out a tough attack in the face of Britain, and could only slowly encircle the point to help.

So it is easy for us to draw a conclusion: At this time Hitler had no great enemies, and Hitler in the whole of Europe said one, and other countries did not dare to say two. Of course, excluding Britain, even if Britain dares to say two, the war between Britain and Germany will be difficult to carry out in a white-hot state in the short term.

The reason is simple, because Britain occupies a good time and place, and at the same time, whether it is The terrain of Britain or the defense of all aspects, there is no problem. The probability of hitting Germany to the death is not at all large, nor is it at all possible, but it is still very likely that Britain will defend its inherent territory without being breached by Germany in the short term.

What would have happened if Hitler had not invaded the Soviet Union but had continued to fight Britain?

At this time, Germany also fell into the confusion period of war, not that only the lost war will fall into the war confusion period, in fact, after winning the entire war, the probability of falling into the war confusion period is greater. At this time, Germany was struggling with whether to fight Britain or the Soviet Union first.

At that time, although Britain had the title of the Sun Never Set Dynasty, this Sun Never Set Dynasty was more of a British controlled territory than the actual territory of The United Kingdom. In the process of the actual territory of the United Kingdom, it can be said that there are no resources and no resources, and there is nothing to be in this state.

In this case, the war between Britain and Germany may not have any advantage.

After hesitating for a while, Germany prepared to attack the Soviet Union. Of course, Germany's attack on the Soviet Union was also partly aimed at, including but not limited to the fact that some parts of the Soviet Union had abundant oil resources. At that time, who could grasp the oil resources in the first time in World War II had more right to speak.

In addition, the huge territory of the Soviet Union has already attracted Hitler's attention.

What would have happened if Hitler had not invaded the Soviet Union but had continued to fight Britain?

The first encirclement of the Soviet Union

The Soviet Union had received intelligence from the very beginning, and these intelligences invariably pointed out that Germany was very likely to attack the Soviet Union in the near future, but at this time the Soviet Union was not ready. In other words, the Soviet top brass may not have approved of it, for the simple reason that the Soviet Union and Germany had signed a Soviet-German non-aggression pact.

Moreover, the Soviet Union at this time had just eased up, and although it had been prepared for the previous few years, it would be difficult to suddenly meet the Germans at this time.

Even when the Soviet Union was still wondering, when it was questioning, Germany had already invaded the Soviet Union in three ways. For this invasion of the SOVIET Union, we can refer to the Barbarossa Plan.

However, because the information passed to the Soviet Union in the past was too large, and there were all kinds of remarks, so that the Soviet Union did not grasp the opportunity of war in time at the beginning, and the only disadvantage of not grasping the opportunity of war was to be chased by Germany and beaten behind the ass.

What would have happened if Hitler had not invaded the Soviet Union but had continued to fight Britain?

Moreover, Hitler played a sloppy eye in this process, although on the surface he was going to attack the Soviet Union, but in fact he did not attack the Soviet Union at the first time, but actively assisted the Soviet Union and provided various materials to paralyze the Soviet Union.

By the time the Germans and the Soviets finally met, it was too late, and in just 10 days, the Germans had pierced the Soviet Union for 600 kilometers.

In the course of this campaign, there are countless classic large-scale battles, and there are countless turning points in this series of classic large-scale battles

One of the turning points that can really be called the Soviet-German war was the Battle of Stalingrad.

What would have happened if Hitler had not invaded the Soviet Union but had continued to fight Britain?

What would have happened if Hitler had been attacking Britain?

In the foregoing, we have already detailed that if Germany had been attacking Britain from the very beginning, it would have been time-consuming and laborious in the short term, and relatively speaking, Britain's comprehensive strength at that time was one of the best in Europe.

Although France surrendered at the first time, france did not break the will of Britain when it surrendered, and the territory of europe as a whole was not too quiet, and there were still large and small resistances.

Britain was naturally able to resist for a while with natural danger, and when Britain repeatedly resisted Germany, Germany was most likely free to take care of it.

Under the premise of having no time to take care of himself, it is very likely that he will be stabbed by some large countries around him, including but not limited to the Soviet Union and the United States.

What would have happened if Hitler had not invaded the Soviet Union but had continued to fight Britain?

In fact, before the Soviet-German war, the United States already had plans to participate in this war, but there has been no suitable opportunity. In addition, the United States is more inclined to a sandpiper-mussel role for this war, and it is more inclined to obtain high profits and returns through continuous arms trafficking.

But relatively speaking, the Soviet Union may have a more sense of crisis, after all, the Current Germany is no longer the Germany it once was, its territory is huge, its resources are abundant, and its mobilization ability is extremely strong. At this time, if the Soviet Union did not take restraint at the first time,

Or if Germany had not been given a stick at the first time, it would have been a mortal threat to the Soviet Union once Germany had truly grown up.

So in a way, what the Soviet Union needed was time, and it was time that Germany was most reluctant to give the Soviet Union.

What would have happened if Hitler had not invaded the Soviet Union but had continued to fight Britain?

Some of Hitler's little calculations

In addition, it is not difficult to find that when Hitler fought against Britain, he did not always fight Britain to death, but left room for manoeuvre. And why is there room for it? We might draw a big question mark after this, but here we need to say a little:

That is to say, war is often not just a war, in addition to the appearance of war, there may be a series of interests involved behind it, and there may be a series of inexplicable things behind it. In short, Hitler developed a series of plans, including but not limited to the Sea Lion Project.

One of the purposes of these plans was to win over Britain, in other words, Hitler fought Britain only to win britain over.

Hitler's ultimate goal was to control Europe himself, and Britain's maritime military strength was strong, and Hitler did not intend to fight Britain to the death or tear his face in the short term.

What would have happened if Hitler had not invaded the Soviet Union but had continued to fight Britain?

Hitler's keen military instincts had already discovered this, and he had long realized that if Britain and Germany fought to the death, the end result would be everything and most likely cheap. So for Hitler: it would be nice to be able to negotiate peace with Britain.

In such a state, the probability of Hitler actively attacking Britain at that time and fighting with Britain to the death was too low, and there was a huge creature behind Germany, Hitler had to make plans early.

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