
Germany's most miserable army in World War II: many victories but the countrymen regarded as robbers, after the war all executed

History and philosophy have many eternal responsibilities, but at the same time simple responsibilities. - Hugo

War is a hundred harms to people and no benefit, everyone longs for peace, but in modern times the countries of the world have launched two world wars because of their own interests, the most intense of which is the Second World War, of which the most participating countries, casualties and economic losses are also the most serious, can be called the largest catastrophe in human history, this war is also called the world anti-fascist war, that is, the anti-fascist alliance of all peace-loving countries in the world to jointly fight against the German-Japanese-Italian fascist Nazis.

However, in World War II, Italy's strength can be ignored, Germany and Japan's strength is very strong, and in Germany there is a special team, that is, the SS, the soldiers in the army are heroic, the combat effectiveness is extremely strong, is an important part of the German armed forces, almost all the military operations of the German army, and because of this, this team is also the embodiment of "evil", all countries hate them, and when they are caught, they will be summarily executed, and the German Wehrmacht hates them, what kind of army is this?

Germany's most miserable army in World War II: many victories but the countrymen regarded as robbers, after the war all executed

Originally the Waffen-SS, formerly known as the SS Special Mobile Unit, was a paramilitary rapid reserve under the supreme ruler to maintain the rule of the Nazi regime with the police. After the outbreak of World War II, the SS rapidly expanded and developed into a field force, later the Waffen-SS.

The SS existed independently of the Wehrmacht and was accountable to the Supreme Commander, whose supreme commander was Heinrich Himmler, and the soldiers were divided into 18 classes. There were also strict requirements for the selection of early SS members, and on the battlefield, they also had their own uniforms, wearing their own rank insignia and special identification symbols. There are independent tank units, artillery units and logistics units, independent officer and soldier training systems, and they are always superior in terms of personnel and armament.

Germany's most miserable army in World War II: many victories but the countrymen regarded as robbers, after the war all executed

In exceptional cases, SS officers could command army regiments, and although the SS was very brave in World War II, the result was a high mortality rate, because they were always on the front lines, and the young soldiers were very fanatical and morale was high. And their fanatical attitude shocked the whole world.

Because the death of soldiers in the war was serious, and it, as the most important fighting force in Germany, needed to be expanded in time, the enemy was currently, there were not so many requirements, so the number of this army grew rapidly, and the army was well treated, everyone wanted to come in and develop, so by 1944 it had grown to 950,000 people, but in the later stages of the war, this "blood" noble team began to change slowly.

Germany's most miserable army in World War II: many victories but the countrymen regarded as robbers, after the war all executed

Among the 950,000 SS personnel at the end of the war, the quality of personnel was uneven, and it was inevitable that there would be some bad roots in the war, so many traditional German generals from the Wehrmacht began to look down on this group of "bandits who did nothing wrong" in the war. It was precisely because of their inferiority that some SS units ended up in a miserable situation, and the once famous Third "Skeleton" Division offended the Soviets because of one incident. At the height of the Soviet-German war, the Soviets publicly executed a number of SS prisoners of war in order to cheer up the morale of the army; then the Skeleton Division, in order to avenge, actually burned 2 Soviet prisoners of war alive. The Soviets were furious, so the Soviets deliberately returned the Skeleton Division from the Americans after the war, after which everyone in the army was executed.

In the eyes of the Germans, the SS was brave, but their actions were criminal to the world, committing heinous crimes, so in the post-war Nuremberg Trials characterized the SS as an "army of gangsters", which was spurned and insulted by the people of the world.

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