
Witnesses recalled the scene of the Japanese Kou knife test, and after killing 4 people in a row, many onlookers were scared out of their illness

History is a biography of nations and humanity. --Leo Tolstoy

The Japanese invaded and occupied the town of Lüsi in Nantong, Jiangsu Province twice, the first time 17 people occupied Lüsi for two days, raped women, pushed their belongings and fled; the second time two hundred people occupied Lüsi, and two days later they were beaten away by Chinese troops, and two people died.

Witnesses recalled the scene of the Japanese Kou knife test, and after killing 4 people in a row, many onlookers were scared out of their illness

On June 15, 1942, when Kou occupied Lüsi for the third time, it can be said that he was really moved, a total of more than 500 people were dispatched, occupied and controlled Lüsi, and also built bunkers at the east and west gates, until the Japanese surrendered.

The commanders of the two bunkers of the Japanese Kou were called Kanaya and Yamamoto, and each of them had a habit, Kanaya liked to kill people with a knife for fun, while Yamamoto liked to use the test cannon to spoil the Chinese people.

Witnesses recalled the scene of the Japanese Kou knife test, and after killing 4 people in a row, many onlookers were scared out of their illness

According to historical records, when the Japanese Kou occupied LüSi, they killed two Chinese cadres, robbed a salt company in Dongmen and lived in it, and later more than a dozen Japanese Kou people living in it died suddenly, although it was later found that it was caused by meningitis. However, the Japanese Kou felt that it was unlucky, so he demolished the surrounding temples and houses and built a bunker.

After the bunker was built, the leader of the Niko squad, Kanaya, told the maintenance committee to go to the detention center to find a few prisoners to test the knife, and eventually the four unemployed vagrants were sent to the bunker.

Witnesses recalled the scene of the Japanese Kou knife test, and after killing 4 people in a row, many onlookers were scared out of their illness

On the day of the knife test, rikou specially informed the people of LüSi Town to come and watch, and it was impossible not to go, they wanted to use this method to deter Chinese.

According to the memories of several elderly people who were escorted to the scene at that time to watch Jingu kill people. They said that Jingu liked to drink before killing people, and he had to get himself drunk before doing it.

On this day, Jingu drank enough roasted liquor, his eyes were red, his face was fierce, and he looked very horizontal. He held a killing command knife that was more than two pounds long, sharp and dazzling, only to see this murderer scream "wow" and cut the knife to the head of a Chinese kneeling on the ground, and in an instant, the head was cut off and the body fell.

This Jingu turned his command knife towards the other person kneeling on the ground, and this time he changed his ways and slashed the knife at the man's chest, and the man was cut open and fell down.

Witnesses recalled the scene of the Japanese Kou knife test, and after killing 4 people in a row, many onlookers were scared out of their illness

When Jingu killed the third man, he put down his command knife, went to a soldier and took a three-eight-large cover with a bayonet in his hand, and stabbed at the man, and the bayonet pierced from the chest to the abdomen, piercing a large hole in the blood and flesh, and even the five internal organs were picked out by the bayonet.

Jingu then killed a fourth person, this person was even more miserable, Jingu directly cut off his hands and feet, becoming a meat Tuotuo, frightening the crowd present one by one like earth, full of shivers, and many people scared out of the disease.

Witnesses recalled the scene of the Japanese Kou knife test, and after killing 4 people in a row, many onlookers were scared out of their illness

The above is the process of Kanaya killing, and another Japanese squad leader, Yamamoto, likes to use test cannons to kill people, historical records record that once Yamamoto tested the cannon in the southeast direction of the bunker, the shell fell to the central town of Hebei, killing an old lady working in the field on the spot.

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