
Minecraft: How to Tame and Breed Alpacas? Try doing so

In my world there is a very cute little animal, the alpaca. It looks very cute and innocent, which really makes the player feel excited and wants to tame it. In the real world, it also has a funny nickname, but it sounds like a curse word, here is not to say, alpacas and horses can be tamed as player mounts, so how do we tame alpacas in the game, how to make it breed after taming? It's actually quite simple, just do it.

Minecraft: How to Tame and Breed Alpacas? Try doing so

First of all, the alpaca is a neutral creature in the game, if you want to have an alpaca mount, then first tame the alpaca, the alpaca generally spawns in the savannah and cliffs, we can find it in these terrain. The way to tame the alpaca is simple, after we get close to the alpaca, a prompt will appear on the page "Ride", and we can click on it to ride on the alpaca.

Minecraft: How to Tame and Breed Alpacas? Try doing so

But at this time we have no way to control the alpaca, when we ride to the alpaca, we can use hay to tame it, until the alpaca comes out carefully, which means that it is tamed by us, but the alpaca has no way to control the direction, oh, unlike the horse, it can be controlled through the saddle.

Minecraft: How to Tame and Breed Alpacas? Try doing so

When we tame two alpacas, we can feed some wheat between the two alpacas, they will breed small alpacas out of yo, the use of the alpaca is still quite large, its meat can be eaten and its leather, the player can also equip the wool blanket through the alpaca, here it should be noted that when raising alpacas, remember to use a rope to tie it

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