
The queen committed suicide in shame after performing the "rite of leading the sheep", what is this ritual? He even let the queen choose to commit suicide

History is the memory of things that have been said and done. —Carl Baker

In the last years of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Jin army led a large army to conquer Bieliang, and the two straw bales of Song Huizong and Song Qinzong had been frightened and dared, and they did not even have the courage to resist, and gave the good Jiangshan to the foreign tribes. The brutal Jin army effortlessly captured more than a thousand members of the Great Song Clan and more than 10,000 excellent craftsmen, and looted the Treasury of the Northern Song Dynasty.

The queen committed suicide in shame after performing the "rite of leading the sheep", what is this ritual? He even let the queen choose to commit suicide

The two kings of the fallen country also dreamed of being able to get the care of the Golden Kingdom in the Golden Kingdom, although they were nested, but they could also ensure that they could eat and wear without worry. However, on their way back to the Golden Kingdom, they felt that something was wrong, the Jin Soldiers did not care about their lives or deaths, lacked clothes and food, and punched and kicked them at every turn, and by the time they reached the capital of the Golden Kingdom, most of these delicate and noble members of the Imperial Household had starved to death and froze to death.

After arriving in the Golden Kingdom, the Emperor of the Golden Kingdom wanted to hold a ceremony to prove his immortal deeds, and at the same time humiliate the two whimsical monarchs of the fallen country, so that their illusion of preferential treatment was completely shattered. The Jin dynasty had one of the most shameful rituals for dealing with captives, which the Jin people called "the ceremony of leading the sheep".

The queen committed suicide in shame after performing the "rite of leading the sheep", what is this ritual? He even let the queen choose to commit suicide

At the ceremony, Huizong and Qinzong wanted to take off the traditional costumes of our country, put on the costumes of the Golden Kingdom, and then dress up as sheep, and the most humiliating thing was that both men and women had to be naked, and the members of the Song Dynasty clan were all fine skin and tender flesh, and from a distance, they looked like a piece of white flowers, and really looked like a group of docile sheep. Led by the Forbidden Army of the Jin Dynasty, the two emperors of the fallen kingdom and his relatives swept hundreds of people from the southernmost tip of the capital of the Golden Kingdom to the north of the city to show the public, so that the whole city could see the ugliness of the Song people running naked.

Naked running in the streets is only part of the ceremony, the two emperors will also be escorted to the Temple of the Golden Kingdom to formally surrender to the Emperor of the Golden Kingdom, to kneel to the ancestors of the Golden State, henceforth as the grandson of the Golden State, beg for the forgiveness of the Golden Emperor, serve the Emperor of the Golden State happily, perhaps still live a little moist, once angered the Emperor of the Golden State, it is a cup of poisonous wine given, the two spineless Emperors of the Fallen Country, naturally do not dare to have the slightest violation of the will of the Golden Emperor, and do everything.

The queen committed suicide in shame after performing the "rite of leading the sheep", what is this ritual? He even let the queen choose to commit suicide

Emperor Jin was very satisfied with their performance at the ceremony of surrender, and ordered the two emperors to be crowned the Duke of Hui de and the Marquis of Chong, and the two emperors accepted the canonization upside down. However, Qinzong's marriage, the last empress of the Northern Song Dynasty, could not bear the humiliation of running naked in public and committed suicide, which won the respect of the Emperor of jin and posthumously named her Lady Zhenjie. The Second Emperor Hui Qin, who was alive in the world, ended up depressed after spending nearly ten years of inhuman life in the Jin Dynasty. What do you think of these two spineless emperors?

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