
From confrontation to entertainment, I've seen Glory of Kings grow and evolve

Glory of Kings is the game I've played the longest, and it's been about five years since I got into the pit, and even my friends have started asking me, "How can you not get tired of playing the same game?" ”

If I had to answer this question seriously, my answer would be this: The game has actually been growing.

Growing Maps - The Art Mechanic is constantly upgraded

Changes in the Glory of Kings map have long demonstrated this point. From the time I started playing this game to now, Kings Canyon has made all kinds of changes every year, large and small.

For example, in the S9 season update that was particularly long ago, Glory of Kings made an overall update to the map art, replacing the new image from the base to the monsters. At that time, I felt that the whole game was completely new, and my favorite was the base design of the red square, and the whole deity stood at the spring water quite domineering.

From confrontation to entertainment, I've seen Glory of Kings grow and evolve
From confrontation to entertainment, I've seen Glory of Kings grow and evolve

In addition to the art, the mechanics of maps have been growing and changing. The most notable example is the S17 update, which added new wild monsters to the map, the "Spirit of Vision" and "Spirit of the River", which gives the side confrontation more strategic depth and makes the gameplay more diverse. In the S22 season, a new original french formation update was brought, and teleportation points were added to the confrontation road to further enhance the game's strategy.

From confrontation to entertainment, I've seen Glory of Kings grow and evolve

Growing gameplay - a constant addition of new modes

The main gameplay of "Glory of Kings" is 5v5 competition, but in addition to Canyon Competition, it is also constantly developing and introducing new ways to play, bringing more new models.

From confrontation to entertainment, I've seen Glory of Kings grow and evolve

What impressed me the most was the Border Breakout mode that was added to the game in 2018. This mode requires a full 100 people to participate, single-handedly or in teams, to fight each other on a battlefield the size of about 150 Kings Canyon. Players fight monsters and upgrades while fighting with other players, and finally defeat the big boss in the desert to win.

From confrontation to entertainment, I've seen Glory of Kings grow and evolve

If you don't like fighting with people, you can also try the PVE mode Day Tower, which was later introduced in 2019.

From confrontation to entertainment, I've seen Glory of Kings grow and evolve

The Tower of The Sun is a PVE mode that requires multiple people to team up and fight monsters through the various levels of the Tower of The Sun.

You can understand this mode as a multiplayer co-op game where you can see tons of new monsters, mechanistic bosses, and even mechs that haven't appeared in the canyon!

From confrontation to entertainment, I've seen Glory of Kings grow and evolve

In addition to the above two modes, "Glory of Kings" also contains more than ten kinds of entertainment methods such as clone mode, battle of the five armies, etc., even if you are tired in the ranking, the other gameplay modes of "Glory of Kings" can always give me freshness.

Back to the original question, why haven't I gotten tired of playing this game five years later? It is precisely because Glory of Kings is always evolving with the times and continues to output new content and experiences for players. I believe that in the future, the king will come up with all kinds of surprise content, and I will always insist on playing.

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