
MediaTek announces a partnership with discovery channels

IT House December 29 news, according to MediaTek official news, in 2022, MediaTek will work with Discovery to open The Chasing Incredibles - Explore the Extraordinary Image Cooperation Program.

According to reports, the plan is by Discovery's three professional producers, using the latest 5G equipment equipped with MediaTek's flagship 5G chip of MediaTek Tianji 9000 to travel to the extreme environment on earth and capture the most difficult to shoot moving moments.

MediaTek announces a partnership with discovery channels

IT Home learned that the newly released Tianji 9000 is equipped with the flagship 18-bit HDR-ISP image signal processor Imagiq 790, and the three ISPs can process up to 9 billion pixels per second and support up to 320 million pixel cameras. The Tianji 9000 is the first to support three cameras to process 18-bit HDR video simultaneously, and all three cameras support triple exposure.

MediaTek said that with the new AI Video video engine of Tianji 9000, video creation is easier, so that shooting previews have a low-latency performance of what they see is what they get. In high-speed capture and low-light scenes, combined with AI-NR 2.0 intelligent noise reduction technology, it also achieves clarity, high dynamic range and excellent noise reduction.

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