
Guangzhou Art Museum exhibited 92 pieces of paintings from past dynasties (sets)

Guangzhou Art Museum exhibited 92 pieces of paintings from past dynasties (sets)

Yuan Dynasty "Album of Four Spirited Women: Li's Broken Arm" Courtesy of Guangzhou Museum of Art

Guangzhou, December 29 (China News Network) (Cheng Jingwei, Li Kaiyu) "Art Sea Treasures - Guangzhou Museum of Art Collection of Past Paintings Exhibition and Characters" was launched on the 29th in the Chinese Dynasty Painting Museum on the first floor of the hospital, with an exhibition period of 3 months. The exhibition exhibits 92 pieces (sets) of fine works collected by the Guangzhou Museum of Art, most of which are national first- and second-class cultural relics.

According to the theme and content of the exhibits, the exhibition is divided into four parts: "Shi Dao, Immortal Buddha", "Lady, Baby Drama, Tian Jia", "Court, Indoctrination, And Reality", "Nobleman, Literati, and Xianyi". The exhibits include figure paintings by Chen Hongshou and Zhang Feng in the Ming Dynasty, Hua Kun, Huang Shen, Su Liupeng, Fei Danxu, Su Renshan and other painters in the Qing Dynasty.

Guangzhou Art Museum exhibited 92 pieces of paintings from past dynasties (sets)

Qing Dynasty Wang Pu "Children's Opera Map" Guangzhou Museum of Art Courtesy of

Among them, the "Album of Four Spirited Women" of the Yuan Dynasty collected by the Guangzhou Art Museum is a group of works with distinct imprints of the times and unique painting language, telling the story of the four "martyr women" in ancient times who observed feudal etiquette. The volume consists of seven pages, of which the third to fifth pages are the story content written by "Gradually Avoiding the Water", "Li's Broken Arm", "Thorn Tiger Rescuer" and Xiao Kai. The three pictures select three typical moments of the story and dramatically recreate the story scene. According to reports, there should be "Jie Yu Blocking Bears" in the "Four Spirited Women", but this work is lost.

Guangzhou Art Museum exhibited 92 pieces of paintings from past dynasties (sets)

Qing Dynasty Wang Su's "Eight Immortals" Courtesy of Guangzhou Museum of Art

At the same time, among the eight immortals on display in the exhibition, Wang Su's "Eight Immortals" of the Qing Dynasty depicts the scene of the eight immortals crossing the sea, and the images of the eight immortals are different; the "Portrait of Li Ningyang" of Su Renshan in the Qing Dynasty depicts the back of the iron abduction Li with ink pen, with a bucket and a huge gourd behind him, holding a crutch, the composition of the work is unique, the lines are smooth, and the character image is simple.

In addition, the exhibition also exhibited three "Roselle Diagrams", written by Gao Qipei, Fei Danxu and Ju Lian. These three works are separately extracted from the theme of "Roselle", omitting the storyline, and the appearance of the work is closer to that of a female painting, showing the beautiful image of Roselle "in the water of The Fangzi Luo, fluttering like a snow dance back to the wind". (End)

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