
Puyi's last love affair, his wife wanted to divorce him, and then after Premier Zhou reconciled, he gave up

Puyi as the last emperor, the ups and downs of his life's experience we will not talk about for the time being, today I will talk about Puyi's last emotional experience, it is also very ups and downs. Puyi met a very bold concubine in his early years, she was a Wenxiu who dared to propose a divorce from the emperor, which was called the concubine revolution in history, and later after the founding of the country, Puyi was pardoned, and he met a new lover, Li Shuxian.

Puyi's last love affair, his wife wanted to divorce him, and then after Premier Zhou reconciled, he gave up

Li Shuxian is a Han Chinese, the profession is a nurse, and later met Puyi through the introduction of friends, before knowing Puyi, she has been divorced twice, and puyi, are very rich in emotional experience. After Puyi married Li Shuxian, the two soon became at odds.

Because Li Shuxian found that Puyi had a problem, that is, he did not sleep in the middle of the night, but liked to get up and read, and after Puyi got married, he actually did not sleep with Li Shuxian, which made Li Shuxian very surprised. So Li Shuxian pulled Puyi to the hospital for examination, unexpectedly found Puyi to inject hormones, Li Shuxian is a nurse, naturally understand what this means.

Puyi's last love affair, his wife wanted to divorce him, and then after Premier Zhou reconciled, he gave up

So the husband and wife have a certain estrangement, and after this, in some trivial matters of life, they are often noisy, and even once they want to divorce. Not long after they arrived at the Great Hall of the People, Premier Zhou also happened to arrive. Premier Zhou has always taken good care of Puyi, and after seeing Puyi, he cordially came to greet Puyi and said to Puyi: "Congratulations, you have gradually warmed up the family." ”

As soon as this sentence was said, Li Shuxian, who was arguing with Puyi, was also a little embarrassed, plus premier Zhou stressed that the couple should be harmonious in the evening. In the evening, Li Shuxian thought about it for a long time after he went back, and felt that since Premier Zhou was right, since he was already with Puyi, he still had to make up his life first, and Puyi also had many advantages, so the divorce was a page turn under premier Zhou's reconciliation, but Li Shuxian had always regretted it.

Puyi's last love affair, his wife wanted to divorce him, and then after Premier Zhou reconciled, he gave up

Especially after Puyi was seriously ill, Li Shuxian found that Puyi actually liked to play with ants, and under questioning, Li Shuxian found that Puyi liked to do this as early as when he was in the palace. At that time, Puyi was small, and it can still be said that he was a teenager, but at the moment he was already fifty or sixty years old, and it was difficult to understand Li Shuxian doing this.

When Puyi was seriously ill, she had been thinking about recalling the past few years she had been with Puyi, and the more she thought about it, the more she regretted it, but at this moment it was too late, because Puyi people were dying, and it was not good to mention divorce, and objectively speaking, she took advantage of Puyi together. After all, Puyi is also the last emperor and a member of the New China CppcC, she is just a nurse, although much younger than Puyi, but Puyi is really good to her, and once even braved the rain to pick up Li Shuxian home.

Puyi himself also said that when he was in the palace, because of his high status, he only felt that his wife was a toy, and when he was happy, he would go to take care of it, and if he was unhappy, he would not say a word, but after meeting Li Shuxian, he knew what love was. But it is a pity that Puyi loves Li Shuxian, but Li Shuxian does not love Puyi, and the last love affair of the last emperor is so miserable and sad.

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