
No matter how big the house is, don't forget to put a pair of "persimmons", persimmons are as good as you want, everything is safe If you like the "Jingdezhen ceramic persimmons" in the picture, please click "Learn more" below, there are surprises.

author:Ya Pin Tang

As the saying goes, "July jujube August pear, September persimmon red skin", in the late autumn, when everything begins to fall asleep, only the red persimmons are like lanterns, hanging on the branches in rows, becoming the most beautiful scenery in the autumn wind.

Persimmons have a very high reputation in the folk, because this fruit is widely distributed, and it does not take much effort to cultivate it to survive, and the fruit can both quench thirst and satisfy the stomach, and has a very high medicinal value.

The old man said that "persimmons stay at home, happiness does not have to worry", so what is the auspicious meaning of persimmons?

No matter how big the house is, don't forget to put a pair of "persimmons", persimmons are as good as you want, everything is safe If you like the "Jingdezhen ceramic persimmons" in the picture, please click "Learn more" below, there are surprises.

The Compendium of Materia Medica records: "Persimmon is the fruit of the spleen, lungs, and blood. Its taste is sweet and flat, astringent and can be harvested, so it has a healthy spleen and astringent intestines, and the function of coughing and stopping bleeding. ”

Chinese medicine believes that persimmons have "three treasures", persimmon stems, persimmon cream, persimmon leaves, can be used in medicine.

Traditional culture believes that persimmons have "seven virtues": one life, two more yin, three no birds, four no insect moths, five frost leaves to play, six jia shi ke, seven fallen leaves fat can be lined.

No matter how big the house is, don't forget to put a pair of "persimmons", persimmons are as good as you want, everything is safe If you like the "Jingdezhen ceramic persimmons" in the picture, please click "Learn more" below, there are surprises.

Longevity, shade (meaning to bless offspring), no bird nests, no insects, leaves to be appreciated, fruit edible, deciduous leaves to be used as fertilizer.

These are the beautiful qualities of persimmons, and because of this, people have also given it a lot of auspicious meanings.

A pair of persimmons into the painting or placed together, the meaning is "everything is healthy", "everything is harmonious", four five persimmons put together, the meaning is "four generations in the same hall", "five generations in the same hall", persimmons and ruyi together, is "everything is as expected", persimmons and apples together, is "everything is safe", "the world is safe".

No matter how big the house is, don't forget to put a pair of "persimmons", persimmons are as good as you want, everything is safe If you like the "Jingdezhen ceramic persimmons" in the picture, please click "Learn more" below, there are surprises.

Jingdezhen ceramic persimmon

Throughout the ages, many scholars have a special love for persimmons, such as the great literary hero Lao She planted two persimmon trees with his wife in his yard, which means "all things are victorious", and named this yard "Dan Persimmon Courtyard".

Needless to say, the great painters Qi Baishi and Zhang Daqian painted countless persimmons in their lives and called themselves "Mr. Persimmon Garden", and the latter added another kind to the seven virtues of persimmons, he said: "Persimmon leaf decoction can cure stomach diseases (one can be included in painting), a total of eight virtues, so this garden is called 'Eight Virtues Garden'." ”

No matter how big the house is, don't forget to put a pair of "persimmons", persimmons are as good as you want, everything is safe If you like the "Jingdezhen ceramic persimmons" in the picture, please click "Learn more" below, there are surprises.

The reason why these historical celebrities love persimmons so much is because of its auspicious meaning, which is what people's hearts want.

At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang and Liu Xiu also had to be emperor before they were called emperors, fortunately the persimmon tree rescued them and did not lose their lives, so Liu Xiu issued a holy will of "persimmon tree ten thousand years" and gave it longevity, Zhu Yuanzhang personally canonized the persimmon tree as lingshuang marquis, ancient emperor, mouth containing tianxian, the golden mouth is opened, it is the ancient flowing fang.

No matter how big the house is, don't forget to put a pair of "persimmons", persimmons are as good as you want, everything is safe If you like the "Jingdezhen ceramic persimmons" in the picture, please click "Learn more" below, there are surprises.

Nowadays, many families will place ornaments or hanging pictures about persimmons at home, which is hoped that persimmons can bring good luck to the family and bring happiness and happiness, which also expresses people's yearning for a better life.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >If you like "Jingdezhen ceramic persimmons" in the picture, please click "Learn More" below, there are surprises. </h1>


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