
MT 乩星|12 Zodiac Sign Sun and Moon Personality = Aquarius Series 12

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MT 乩星|12 Zodiac Sign Sun and Moon Personality = Aquarius Series 12

| Astroamada25

Sina Weibo | Queen of Pluto

Tencent Weibo | Mandalahua

· · ·

12*12 Constellation Sun and Moon Matching

144 water bottles

(For reference only, の12 constellation general theory version)

For a personal career plan, consult a numerologist you trust

Earlier we discussed some of the workplace direction discussions generated by the sun and moon collocation, and now we will continue to do a character discussion about the sun and moon collocation.

Of course, it still needs to be clearly focused on judging a person's "specific what's going on" In the actual case discussion plate, there are many indicators we need to refer to, the most important is the personal life plate pattern, and the period composition is composed of MC, ASC, life lord and related officials and lu lords and wealth owners and so on. This is difficult for the masses. That is, too specialized.

Here, simply send a copy of the ordinary people can refer to, the value orientation of the sun and moon based on the astrolabe personality selection to everyone for reference please remember, this is not an "absolutely true state", nor is it a professional numerologist to judge the specific case of the verdict of the disk, but just "when you can't see through and are not willing to honestly spend money to find a trusted reliable numerologist to give clear instructions", you can consider and take the direction of value.

The combination of sun and moon signs determines several reasons for an individual, and its emphasis is on emphasizing the size of the power on the plate. The sun and moon, that is, the sun and the yin, are the most important luminous bodies in the whole disk. The sun is the root force, and the constellation into which it falls is easily related to the great framework of innate endowments, and the sun is also the ultimate "shining light" of a person's life direction, ambition, and desire to reach the realm, which you can understand as how to feel and find a more complete and complete self. The moon is the most fundamental area of a person's inner sense of security, emotions, and sense of value, and the state of the moon will ultimately determine how individuals can feel comforted and feel secure, which is the most real and natural reaction in private.

SO, the combination of the two stars of the sun and the moon, can often "peek" at a person's own specific personality state, for the daily dating process, the sun and moon play a very important role.

Of course, you want to know about love, the state of emotion may be more important to consider the structure of the golden fire and the life plate, to know that a person faces difficulties and challenges in the face of the situation needs more reference to the characterization of the day fire wood earth, want to know the true price of a person in the social model more to consider the fate of the lord of wealth and the main structure of the lord of the official Lu ... And this is not possible to give an answer by simply saying that the so-called astral seat or the combination of stars can be given. That must have been through the overall configuration of a specific individual, the structure can only be concluded. That hand tail is long: rising destiny in the middle of the sky falling in the sky sun moon Venus Mercury Mercury Mars Jupiter Jupiter Saturn trinity north and south of all kinds of virtual dots ..................

Well, don't say much. Let's get into the Sun and Moon Constellation Personality Match.

This series is relatively long and produces 144 combinations. :) wait with peace of mind.

Sun Aquarius + Moon Pisces Character Analysis:

Pros: Erudite

Cons: Obsessed with fantasies

Personality analysis:

This combination of Sun and Moon signs makes the person's mind extremely inspiring & innovative, able to grasp the most vague, erratic and extreme concepts. This combination blends the friendliness, originality and independence of the water bottle with the sensitivity, intuition and imagination of pisces. This type of person tends to be a person who is persistent and diligent but at the same time lacks moderation and seems to be directionless, paying attention to detail, traits and sensitivities. The way they respond to the outside world is interesting, they spend days dreaming and thinking, they are obsessed with something unusual and abstract, and it feels very interesting for them to study this weird thing. Because such people tend to like to read and learn, in most cases, whenever the environment allows, they may be familiar with many areas of knowledge or even niche and unpopular areas. I pay attention to the premonitions and weird thoughts of the individual self, and it is easy to get tired of daily repetitive or highly replaceable work. Dreaming a lot and believing in the dreams they have, such people often have their minds so off topic that they may even forget what work they are doing. But it is undeniable that their 1 kind of views are quite sharp, often penetrating reality to see another essence. But to be clear, it is unrealistic to pay full attention to these "insights."

This type of person has a rather special private life of his own, and few people can see through it. And their quick imagination or creativity ahead of their time (and perhaps pipe dreaming) make them money-making experts in many areas. It seems that they can intuitively discover the possibilities and use them, and their success depends on the true talents and intelligence of such individuals, and because of their lack of strong leadership, they often have a tendency to go their own way. If you aspire to attain higher achievements in the secular environment, you should always show a strong will. In general, such people have a certain sense of caution and vigilance, and if they can overcome or control their tendency to passively accept things, or control their excessive friendliness and favor when others deliberately take advantage of their personal goodwill, they will benefit from it and achieve their own careers.

The Aquarius makes it extremely kind, friendly, and fraternal. But the humane, compassionate nature of both Aquarius and Pisces may cause such people to sacrifice themselves to help others. Although they have unlimited potential, they must seek various channels to play it and set up a stop-loss limit model. Both Aquarius and Pisces carry out humanitarian charity work in different ways, which has a helpful nature, especially the innate compassion of Pisces, but it is important to remember to avoid losing the original most valuable speciality of the water bottle: the independent objectivity of the transcendent. This type of Day seat Aquarius people have multiple faces, and the Pisces moon makes it easy for their strong emotions to emerge.

Belongs to the sexiest and most stingy expression of love among the Aquarius people. The romantic character hidden in the water bottle is easy to play on it with the help of the moon Pisces, so it is often in love and often loses love. But even so, there is still a considerable amount of space and solitude for it. At the same time, you need a partner who can give encouragement, support, trust, and constantly cheer them up to make them more confident.

Speaking of which, falsehood is Pisces' biggest drawback. For this group, this trick should never be used when it wants to get out of trouble, and more importantly, it is not possible to deceive yourself when falling in love. Being good at self-deception and falling into the trap of sacrifice and sacrifice are their greatest fatal roots. Money is likely to slip through their fingers, and even if they pay more than they can, it's not bad (and even praises at some points), but it's often easy to end up with not paying the rent. If you have a regular job, remember to establish a reasonable savings system that deducts a portion of the income as a donation rather than a "good deed" that lacks a limit and is unrestrained. Remember to consult a financial expert at any time.

The unusual, innovative qualities of the water bottle are further enhanced by the perception of Pisces. In their lives, influences and inspirations from metaphysics, mystery and religion fuse reality and imagination, reality and hypothesis, science and poetry. If the rest of the astrolabe lacks a strong structure, such people are prone to live in imaginary worlds and deceive themselves.

Tip: Controlling your tendency to passively accept things is the first step on the road to success.

OVER。 Stay tuned for the next issue·

Emergency Feeling ( ̄▽ ̄) ~

MT 乩星|12 Zodiac Sign Sun and Moon Personality = Aquarius Series 12

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