
How the classic remake doesn't roll over

There is nothing wrong with the classic remake itself, but standing at the forefront of the dissemination of film and television culture, how to solve the problem of "repeated shooting and repeated turnover", both inheriting the classic and constantly innovating, both to win box office ratings and gain word of mouth?

First of all, the creation must be correct. Adaptation is not a mess, and jokes are not nonsense. The reason why classics can become classics is the enduring historical precipitation of "blowing through the wild sand to gold", the deep soil that nourishes the vigorous development of national culture, and the inheritance of national culture that constantly tastes but still does not feel boring. No matter how innovative and remade by today's people, the theme ideas and value cores of the classic originals cannot be lost, and the "spirit" of the classics must be kept, otherwise the classics will no longer be classics.

Secondly, there must be innovation in creation. The classics themselves contain many themes such as ideals and reality, war and peace, survival and development, etc., which have cultural connotations and spiritual strength across time and space, and express the eternal themes of literary and artistic creation. For creators, the key to remaking the classic is not how to subvert, but how to combine the new zeitgeist and technical means to make a new interpretation of the classic theme.

Finally, the creators should use ingenuity. Classics can endure because of the persuasiveness of their connotations, the influence of history and the continuity of the future. A good classic remake is not a simple copy and paste that fits the context of different eras, but gives it new vitality on the basis of continuing the classic. Therefore, creators should eat through the connotation of the original work with the spirit of craftsmanship, abide by the integrity and innovation, in order to create a new classic that respects the classic and surpasses the classic, so that the "classic can be passed on forever". This is also the meaning of the title of the remake of the classic.

How the classic remake doesn't roll over
How the classic remake doesn't roll over
How the classic remake doesn't roll over

Source: Guangming Daily

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