
Amazon smart speakers give children a dangerous challenge, but fortunately there are no accidents

Recently, some overseas netizens encountered such a creepy thing when using Amazon's Echo smart speaker. When their children asked Echo about the little challenge, Echo's smart voice assistant Alexa said, "The challenge is simple, first plug a phone charging head half into the socket, and then use your fingers to touch the exposed metal pins."

Amazon smart speakers give children a dangerous challenge, but fortunately there are no accidents

Generally speaking, when these AI voice intelligent assistants receive instructions similar to this, they will find some intellectual puzzles or small activities that make people brainstorm, but the "challenge" given by Alexa this time is obviously very dangerous. According to the netizen on Twitter, the @kilvdahl said that they shouted no after hearing Alexa give such a description, fortunately, their 10-year-old daughter said that she was smart and would not do such a stupid thing, so there was no accident.

Amazon smart speakers give children a dangerous challenge, but fortunately there are no accidents

Afterwards, the netizen checked it out and found that alexa was found from the Danger Challenge section of a third-party website. And this actually exposes some problems, that is, in addition to their own content, most of these voice intelligent assistants will find related things from search engines or third-party websites to answer users' questions, including these so-called challenges, but because there is no human review relationship, so netizens like @kilvdahl are also more worried about whether these voice intelligent assistants will affect the safety of their children.

BleepingComputer has asked Google's virtual assistant and Apple's Siri about the matter, the former giving responses such as "Please name a 2028 pop song", while the latter is simply saying "sorry" or directly out of the search results on the web page.

In response to Alexa's terrible answer, Amazon later said in a statement that they had fixed the problem, and @kilvdahl later tried to ask Alexa for a challenge and found that the feature had indeed been turned off.

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