
Three Kingdoms: Guan Yu's martial arts are not much higher than Yan Liang's and Wen Ugly's, so why can he cut off Yan Liang's martial arts?


Three Kingdoms: Guan Yu's martial arts are not much higher than Yan Liang's and Wen Ugly's, so why can he cut off Yan Liang's martial arts?

In the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Guan Yu's martial arts are very powerful, for example, as soon as he was born, he beheaded Huaxiong with warm wine and made the first merit of the crusade against Dong Zhuo.

However, the most commendable achievement of Guan Yu's life is not wenjiu and Huaxiong, but the ugly face.

The author knows that Yan Liang and Wen Ugly are the generals under Yuan Shao, and they are all ranked among the "Four Pillars of Hebei", but when it comes to their martial arts, are they really lower than Guan Yu?

From the time of the initial crusade against Dong Zhuo, When Huaxiong was fighting, Yuan Shao lamented that his generals Yan Liang and Wen Ugly were not there, otherwise they would not have let Hua Xiong be arrogant, so it can be seen that Yan Liang and Wen Ugly became famous earlier than Guan Yu.

And if we talk about real martial arts, we are only afraid that Yan Liang and Wen Ugly's martial arts are not under Dianwei and Xu Chu, then Guan Yu's martial arts are naturally not much higher than Yan Liang and Wen Ugly!

Thinking like this, the question arises: Guan Yu's martial arts are not much higher than Yan Liang and Wen Ugly, so why can he still cut off Yan Liang and Wen Ugly?


In the author's opinion, although Guan Yu's martial arts are not much higher than Yan Liang and Wen Ugly, he can still cut off Yan Liang and Wen Ugly, all for the following four reasons:

1, Guan Yu is very confident.

Did you find none? Self-confidence is very important for victory, and Guan Yu is just a very confident person.

He was very confident in his martial arts, very confident in the things he identified, and naturally would not panic on the battlefield.

For example, he had beheaded Huaxiong before, and others said that Huaxiong was powerful, but Guan Yu believed more in the Green Dragon Yanyue Sword in his hand, so as soon as he went into battle, he beheaded Huaxiong under the sword.

For example, in the Three Heroes Battle Of Lü Bu, others said how heroic and invincible Lü Bu was, but Guan Yu believed more in his martial arts, and more believed in the Taoyuan love of his three brothers, and with this confidence, Guan Yu's three brothers defeated Lü Bu.

Guan Yu had previous experience in playing against these fierce generals such as Hua Xiong and Lü Bu, how could he put Yan Liang and Wen Ugly in his eyes, he saw that Yan Liang and Wen Ugly were just "inserting the label and selling the head", so he beheaded Yan Liang and cursed Wen Ugly, and his hands came to catch!

2, Yan Liang, Wen Ugly is too proud.

As the saying goes, a proud soldier will lose. Everyone said that Guan Yu was proud, but in fact, Yan Liang and Wen Ugly were more proud than Guan Yu.

After all, they became famous early. Moreover, there is Yuan Shao pampered. As soon as others talked about the shortcomings of Yan Liang and Wen Ugly, Yuan Shao would say, "Can you predict my generals casually?" ”

The pride of Yan Liang and Wen Ugly was also doomed to failure, such as Yan Liang, with 100,000 horses, dared to attack BaimaYi directly, and even boasted of his courage, even when Cao Cao came, he dared to directly deploy against the enemy, and as a result, he was beheaded by Guan Yu's Wanma army.

Another example is Wen Ugly, who ventured forward alone, and without waiting for Liu Bei's rear army, he crossed the river with 70,000 horses and horses, and as a result, he was killed by Guan Yu on the bank of the Yellow River.

It can be said that arrogance buried Yan Liangwen ugly, thus achieving Guan Yu.

3, Red Rabbit Horse Assist.

Guan Yu can cut off the beauty of the good and ugly, inseparable from the help of the red rabbit horse. The book reads, "Lü Bu among men, red rabbit among horses", what does this mean? In other words, the warlord Lü Bu was the hero, and the red rabbit was the king of the warhorse.

The red rabbit horse travels thousands of miles a day, and its feet are strong, which is a mount that all martial generals want, and Cao Cao gave it to Guan Yu.

Guan Yu rode the Red Rabbit Horse, crisscrossing the Ten Thousand Horse Army, the force value increased by at least 50% out of thin air, and Yan Liang and Wen Ugly who had such a powerful mount as the Red Rabbit Horse, when they met Guan Yu, they could only "insert the bid and sell the head"!

4, Guan Yu used a surprise attack strategy to kill Yan Liang and Wen Ugly.

Guan Yu beheaded Yan Liang and cursed Wen Ugly, not a frontal fight, but a surprise attack and killing on the battlefield, such as Yan Liang, who also flaunted his martial prowess with a Qingluo umbrella cover, Guan Yu brandished a knife and rushed into the army, and did not say hello, directly slashing Yan Liang.

What about the ugly? On the bank of the Yellow River, his family was disturbed by horses and horses, and in the midst of the rebellion, Guan Yu suddenly killed him and beheaded Wen Ugly.

It can be seen that Yan Liang and Wen Ugly both died in the raid, and all of them died under Guan Yu's knife, which was enough to be wronged!


From the above analysis, we can also understand why Guan Yu can cut off the ugly!

Guan Yu's self-confidence and Yan Liangwen's arrogance form a sharp contrast. With the help of the Red Rabbit Horse, Guan Yu adopted the strategy of surprise attack, Yan Liang and Wen Ugly met Guan Yu, can Yan not lose his life?

From this, we can conclude that we can be confident in dealing with the world in ordinary times, but do not be arrogant, and we must know how to cooperate and help and the correct method and strategy, so that our career and life can also be successful!

You say, right? Thank you for reading this article and goodbye!

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