
Bild: Haaland and Dort agree to clarify the future of the players by the end of February at the latest

Bild: Haaland and Dort agree to clarify the future of the players by the end of February at the latest

Live bar December 29 news German media "Bild" news said that in order to allow the Werazrri to have more time to prepare, Haaland and Dort unanimously decided to clarify the forward's whereabouts by the end of February next year.

The report said that Haaland's future is uncertain, and in the case of the reduction in the income of the football club in all aspects due to the epidemic, Dort believes that they still have a good opportunity to face the teams that are interested in Haaland: as reported by the German media, Dort is ready to raise Haaland's salary to 16 million euros, and if Puma also becomes Haaland's sponsor and provides him with up to 8 million euros, then Haaland will become the highest-paid player in Dortmund's history with an annual salary of more than 20 million euros.

Bild said that Dort and Haaland's first negotiations are scheduled for January next year, and the Nerazzurri has never given up hope of keeping Haaland; the two sides have agreed to finally clarify the future of the players by the end of February at the latest, so once Haaland decides to leave, Dort will have plenty of time to find a replacement.


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