
Li Shimin wanted to kill Wei Zheng, and Wei Zheng directly advised him on something in the Golden Ruan Hall, which made Tang Taizong so angry

Li Shimin was a famous Ming Emperor during the Tang Dynasty, and his story with Wei Zheng was also known to women and children, but once, Li Shimin was so angry that he ordered Wei Zheng to be beheaded, but fortunately he was dissuaded by the empress before giving up. What's going on here? If you want to know, let Xiaobian reveal the secret for you:

Li Shimin wanted to kill Wei Zheng, and Wei Zheng directly advised him on something in the Golden Ruan Hall, which made Tang Taizong so angry

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Tang Taizong Li Shimin was one of the outstanding emperors of the Tang Dynasty, he was the founder of the Tang Dynasty, but also the pioneer of the prosperity of China, the powerful empire under his helm, became the world's premier country, whether it is political, economic or cultural, its height is enough for foreigners to admire. There is a law in history, all the monarchs of the first few generations of the founding of the country are almost all Ming Jun, and Li Shimin is not only a Ming Jun, but also a virtuous and virtuous lord who cultivates culture and martial arts.

Li Shimin wanted to kill Wei Zheng, and Wei Zheng directly advised him on something in the Golden Ruan Hall, which made Tang Taizong so angry

Li Shimin was the second son of Li Yuan, who was generous and talented, and when he rose up at the end of the Sui Dynasty, he once fought for his father to conquer the north and conquer a large area of the country. Later, after the change of Xuanwu Gate, he successfully became an emperor, and from then on, he practiced benevolent government and governed a huge empire. Of course, the authority of the emperor cannot be violated, especially the "horseback king" like Li Shimin, and no one dares to touch his scales. However, among the courtiers, there was one person who dared to face Li Shimin head-on, and this person was Wei Zheng.

Tang Taizong once said with a heart, "With history as a mirror, we can know the rise and fall, and with people as a mirror, we can see the gains and losses.", and the "person" in this sentence is Wei Zheng. When Wei Zheng was appointed prime minister, he was a "man of many mouths and many tongues", who was honest and honest, dared to be loyal and direct, and said words that others did not dare to say. However, in the face of Wei Zheng's "ignorant and evil" remarks, Li Shimin often humbly accepted advice, never dared to be angry at him in public, and even consulted Wei Zheng's opinions when making decisions on major state events. In the past twenty years, there have always been fierce debates between kings and courtiers, but the outcome of the disputes often ended in Wei Zheng's victory.

Li Shimin wanted to kill Wei Zheng, and Wei Zheng directly advised him on something in the Golden Ruan Hall, which made Tang Taizong so angry

According to the Zizhi Tongjian written by Sima Guang, a famous minister of the Northern Song Dynasty, during the twenty years that Wei Zheng spent with Tang Taizong's subjects, Wei Zheng put forward nearly two hundred suggestions for Li Shimin, and more than two hundred suggestions involved politics, economy, culture and diplomacy, and even Tang Taizong's private life was also involved, which made the emperor's own life very embarrassing.

What are Wei Zheng's suggestions? Two of the most laughable things are that you are not allowed to travel without incident, and you are not allowed to keep pets at will. Once, when Wei Zheng returned from outside, he saw that Emperor Taizong had already prepared the car and seemed to be going out, but when he saw Wei Zheng, he suddenly gave the order to drive the carriage and horse back. Wei Zheng asked randomly, puzzled, "I heard that Your Majesty wants to ride the Nanshan Mountains, so why did he stop here after he finished making preparations?" Emperor Taizong immediately said, "At first, I had this kind of heart, but I was afraid of Qing Qing's anger, so I dropped my ear." This means that I was going to Go to Nanshan, but I was afraid that you would blame me, so I gave up halfway.

Li Shimin wanted to kill Wei Zheng, and Wei Zheng directly advised him on something in the Golden Ruan Hall, which made Tang Taizong so angry

On another occasion, his men contributed a special harrier to Emperor Taizong, and Emperor Taizong liked it very much and played with it in his hands all day long. Just as he was having a good time, he saw Wei Zheng coming from a distance, so he hurriedly took the harrier eagle in his arms and hid it. Unexpectedly, Wei Zhengsheng began to talk endlessly, causing Emperor Taizong not to dare to move. When Wei Zheng resigned, he hurriedly took out the harrier eagle from his arms, and as a result, the poor bird died early in the arms of the emperor.

For Li Shimin, Wei Zheng was indeed a slanderous courtier, but the slanderers were also people who "danced on the tip of the sword", and Wei Zheng had also angered Li Shimin. The history books record that when Emperor Taizong of Tang deposed the harem on one day, he actually muttered to himself: "This Tian Shehan should be killed!" ”

Why would Tang Taizong be angry, because in the face of Wei Zheng's repeated annoyance to him, so that he could not vent his resentment in his heart, and finally piled up into a big knot full of hatred, Tang Taizong was the emperor, he was wise, he was also a flesh and blood person, in the face of Wei Zheng's loyal advice, he also felt that he had no face, and maybe he was in a bad mood that day, so he was angry.

Li Shimin wanted to kill Wei Zheng, and Wei Zheng directly advised him on something in the Golden Ruan Hall, which made Tang Taizong so angry

Wei Zheng was not the one thing that made Li Shimin particularly angry, but Wei Zheng's more than 200 times of loyal advice, so that Li Shimin had no face, so he was completely angry.

Emperor Taizong said, "Wei Zheng is such a person that he is really too much, and he always argues with me at the imperial court and humiliates me, which makes me feel very unhappy in my heart." The empress returned to the harem, dressed in the court dress, and stood in the hall. Emperor Taizong felt very strange and asked, "Why is the empress like this?" Empress Eldest Sun replied, "Concubines have heard that if the Lord is holy, then the courtiers will be loyal." It is precisely because of His Majesty Shengming now that Wei Zheng can speak bluntly, such a good thing, how could the concubine not come to congratulate His Majesty? ”

Li Shimin wanted to kill Wei Zheng, and Wei Zheng directly advised him on something in the Golden Ruan Hall, which made Tang Taizong so angry

As the saying goes, "clay people also have three points of earthiness", not to mention an emperor, Tang Taizong will be angry after hearing Wei Zheng's advice, in fact, it is reasonable, and he can endure the things that ordinary people can't tolerate, which shows that he is extraordinary, and the generosity of his mind is completely worthy of being a model for future generations of kings.

References: New Book of Tang, by Ouyang Xiu, published by Zhonghua Bookstore

Wen xiucai, editor-in-chief of Wenlan Hairun Studio, written by: Special history writer: Changshan Zhao Zi worm

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