
Is the U.S. military difficult to deal with? As a result, the loss of 4.25 million yuan, the People's Liberation Army major general said: What is destroyed is their prestige

After the victory in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in 1945, after negotiations, the Kuomintang and the Communists reached an agreement in January 1946 to stop the internal military conflict. In order to implement the armistice agreement, the Kuomintang, the Communist Party, and the United States sent representatives to form the Military Mediation Office Executive Department in Peiping, and then set up a number of military mediation enforcement teams to go to various places to investigate. Located in Bozhen, Hebei Province, is the 18th Military Investigation Office Enforcement Group. Beginning in February 1946, the CCP representative of this military investigation group was Fu Jize, then commander of the First Military Subdistrict of the Bohai Naval Region. The representative of the Us side is called Mirohan, a person who is known to be able to speak eloquently, has a tough attitude, has combat experience, and is difficult to deal with.

Fu Jize wrestled with him and performed a big drama of "wise fighting beautiful guys".

Is the U.S. military difficult to deal with? As a result, the loss of 4.25 million yuan, the People's Liberation Army major general said: What is destroyed is their prestige

At noon on May 3, 1946, the military investigation team was preparing to eat lunch at the station of the garrison, when suddenly there was a dense sound of gunfire from the west. Fu Jize judged that the puppet army gathered in PoZhen had invaded our local armed forces. Therefore, he proposed to Mirohan and the kuomintang representatives that the representatives of the three parties should immediately go to the scene to inspect the scene in order to find out the truth.

Mirohan could not find a reason to refuse, so he had to go.

Unexpectedly, halfway to the road, they were surrounded by a group of traitors raised by the Kuomintang armed with murder weapons, and the other side named and asked the CPC representatives to answer. Fu Jize stood up and asked them, "I am the representative of the Communist Party, what are you going to do?" ”

One guy asked first: "Why didn't Soviet Russia withdraw its troops in the northeast?" ”

Is the U.S. military difficult to deal with? As a result, the loss of 4.25 million yuan, the People's Liberation Army major general said: What is destroyed is their prestige

Fu Jize glanced at him and said, "I don't know why the Soviet Union didn't withdraw its troops in the northeast. You should ask Chairman Chiang Kai-shek about this question, which was a treaty between Chairman Chiang Kai-shek and the Soviets. ”

The person who asked the question was dumbfounded. Another guy asked again unconvincedly:

"Why did the Communists blockade the town of Po?"

Fu Jize replied, "The reason why we blockade Po Town is very simple. This place has a complete traitor organization, and there are thousands of puppet armies. During the War of Resistance, they played tricks for the tiger, maimed the people, and committed many evils. At present, their crimes of being traitors have not yet been liquidated, nor have they been tried, and overnight, they have become members of the National Government and the National Army, and the people will not agree. ”

As soon as he mentioned the crime of liquidating the traitors, he immediately killed the traitors. They cried out like mad dogs: "Who is the traitor and who is the traitor?" ”

Fu Jize said, "You know who the traitors are, the common people know, and I know." ”

Is the U.S. military difficult to deal with? As a result, the loss of 4.25 million yuan, the People's Liberation Army major general said: What is destroyed is their prestige

As a result, these traitors became angry and ashamed, and in broad daylight, they actually insulted and beat Fu Jize and others. Mirohan and the Kuomintang representatives also did not stop it.

Back at the garrison, Fu Jize indignantly issued a solemn warning to Mi Luohan and the Kuomintang representatives, and decisively decided to pack up the puppet army that was running rampant in Anduhou and the surrounding areas.

To this end, he took three measures, one was to put forward four tough demands when the military investigation team handled the siege and beating of the Chinese communist representatives, negotiate with Mi Luohan and the Kuomintang representatives, and buy time for the troops to prepare for battle. The second is to select cadres from the battalions, companies, and platoons of the combat troops and take them to The Town of Po in batches as guards, so that they can make on-the-spot investigations, familiarize themselves with the terrain and features of the Town, and understand the fortifications of the puppet army. Third, in order to prevent Mi Luohan from being mistakenly injured in battle, or the traitors taking advantage of the opportunity to kill him and blaming the Eighth Route Army and causing a dispute, Fu Jize cleverly invited Mi Luohan and the Kuomintang representatives to the Headquarters of the Eighth Route Army 25 miles away from Po Town for dinner, and transferred Mi Luohan out of Po Town.

Is the U.S. military difficult to deal with? As a result, the loss of 4.25 million yuan, the People's Liberation Army major general said: What is destroyed is their prestige

Therefore, with full preparation, the Eighth Route Army immediately attacked and annihilated the puppet army in and around The town in one fell swoop.

As a result, the Kuomintang representatives were recalled from above and never returned. The US representative Mirohan was also punished.

Not long after, one day, a Kuomintang P-51 military plane suddenly arrived in the newly liberated city of Bozhen and carried out machine gun fire, killing a local old man who was driving a large cart on the spot, and also killing and injuring one fellow who was pulling a cart and cattle.

When Fu Jize and the newly arrived Kuomintang deputies and US representative Mi Luohan arrived at the scene, they happened to encounter the plane flying back over the town of Bo. Fu Jize deliberately asked Mi Luohan, "What type of aircraft is this?" ”

Mirohan replied, "P-51." ”

Fu Jize asked again: "American aircraft?" ”

The other party blurted out: "Yes..." But as soon as the words came out, they were consciously deceived and very embarrassed.

Is the U.S. military difficult to deal with? As a result, the loss of 4.25 million yuan, the People's Liberation Army major general said: What is destroyed is their prestige

After the incident, although the Kuomintang representative forcibly argued at the negotiating table, he said: "I have received solid news that yesterday the communist army attacked Bo County, so today the plane came to strafe the town of Bo. ”

Fu Jize refuted on the spot: "Today, what we see together is an American plane, painted with the Kuomintang insignia, to strafe the town and kill the residents. The residents of Po Town will not forget this blood debt. ”

When Mirohan saw Fu Jize mention the US plane, he looked a little nervous and said in a loud voice: "To be dealt with, to be dealt with." ”

As a result, Fu Jize negotiated and forced the Kuomintang representatives and the US representative Mi Luohan to sign an agreement to compensate the family of the deceased for 4.25 million yuan (Kuomintang legal tender).

Because Mirohan and the Kuomintang representative signed the compensation agreement and lost face, as a result, this time, Mirohan and the Kuomintang representative were recalled and replaced by their respective superiors.

Is the U.S. military difficult to deal with? As a result, the loss of 4.25 million yuan, the People's Liberation Army major general said: What is destroyed is their prestige

After half a month, the new Kuomintang representatives and US representatives came to Bozhen to take up their posts and brought 4.25 million yuan in compensation. When the new US representative first arrived in Pozhen, he was arrogant and domineering, and even threw aside the newly established CPC-led Bozhen Municipal Government and wanted to personally hand over the money to the family of the deceased. Fu Jize was firmly opposed.

The US representative said arbitrarily: "I don't understand what relationship this municipal government has with the family of the deceased." ”

Fu Jize immediately rose in anger and replied to him, "You lack common sense as a person. ”

The US representative was frightened by his momentum, and his arrogance was beaten down by Fu Jize, and finally obediently handed over the compensation money to the Bozhen Municipal Government, which gave it to the family of the deceased.

Decades later, When Major General Fu Jize talked about this matter, he said unhappily: "At that time, they all said that the beauties were arrogant and unreasonable, and I wanted to destroy their prestige!" They are just paper tigers, as soon as you are hard, they are soft, nothing to fear! ”

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