
Li Xiannian asked his comrade-in-arms to drink Moutai, but he forgot to pay for it, so that the comrade-in-arms would never drink Moutai again

Behind the founding of New China, there are too many unspeakable bitter pasts, all prosperity and peace have been bought with the blood and lives of countless revolutionary ancestors, and the older generation of revolutionaries have groped forward in the dark and groped for a bright future for China.

What is even more valuable is that these old revolutionaries grew up in the most difficult years in China.

In the chaotic world, it still maintains the inheritance of traditional Chinese virtues, and there is no high pursuit in material terms, as long as it is enough to eat and wear warm.


The older generation basically has such a good quality, regardless of military rank or official position, this character has been deeply integrated into their bones.

Today I will tell you a story related to this,

The protagonist of the story was awarded the rank of major general at the conferment ceremony held by our army in 1955.

Li Xiannian asked his comrade-in-arms to drink Moutai, but he forgot to pay for it, so that the comrade-in-arms would never drink Moutai again

According to China's military rank level, the rank of major general is not high, but after all, it is the first batch of generals who were awarded military ranks at the founding of the People's Republic of China, which has cross-era significance, and only those who have made outstanding contributions in the war at that time may be awarded military ranks.

There is no comparison with the current rank of the same rank.

The founding major general, named You Taizhong, was only thirty-seven years old the year he was awarded the rank. You Taizhong is a native of Xinyang, Henan, born in 1918.

Most of the children in that era were relatively precocious, and from a very young age, they needed to help the adults in the family share the pressure of life, and You Taizhong was naturally no exception.

Li Xiannian asked his comrade-in-arms to drink Moutai, but he forgot to pay for it, so that the comrade-in-arms would never drink Moutai again

But You Taizhong thought more profoundly, he knew that if he wanted his family to live a truly stable life,

Peace had to be restored in China, so at the age of thirteen You Taizhong joined the revolutionary forces.

At that time, there were many small children in the army, and the organization divided them together and became a boy scout. You Taizhong was quick-witted and experienced in the revolution, and as he grew older, his position continued to rise, and he soon became the leader of the army.

During the War of Resistance Against Japan, he was assigned to the 386th Brigade of the 129th Division, which was very famous at that time.

Having won many major battles, You Taizhong was one of the more prominent fighters in the army.


With his heroic performance on the battlefield, You Taizhong was constantly promoted, and by the end of the War of Resistance Against Japan, he had been promoted from an ordinary soldier to a regimental commander.

But this was only the beginning for You Taizhong, and the Japanese invaders were driven away.

But peace had not yet been fully restored in China, and the Kuomintang-Communist Civil War soon came.

Li Xiannian asked his comrade-in-arms to drink Moutai, but he forgot to pay for it, so that the comrade-in-arms would never drink Moutai again

This time, You Taizhong still chose to go to the battlefield without hesitation, he had already accumulated rich practical combat experience in the War of Resistance Against Japan, and also showed his military ability, and was one of General Wang Jinshan's most trusted confidants.

In the Liberation War, he made many meritorious contributions, and gradually rose to become a division commander. For You Taizhong,

The individual's position is not important, what he pursues is the success of the revolution.

He also participated in the Campaign to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, leading his troops against the US army and experiencing several important battles, including the Battle of Shangganling.

Li Xiannian asked his comrade-in-arms to drink Moutai, but he forgot to pay for it, so that the comrade-in-arms would never drink Moutai again

As a general who had countless highlight moments in the war, You Taizhong had been promoted to the rank of military commander after returning to China, and he had a high status in the army. After the war was completely over, You Taizhong still chose to stay in the army and work

He has held important positions in many military regions of our country and is a commander who is deeply respected and loved by everyone.


Despite his high position, You Taizhong was a little "stingy" in his daily life, and because of one thing, his reputation for "stinginess" was widely spread. During his work in the Inner Mongolia Military Region, You Taizhong once went to Beijing to attend a conference, met his old comrade-in-arms Li Xiannian, and the two sat down to eat together.

In order to repay him, Li Xiannian said that he would invite him to drink Moutai wine.

Li Xiannian asked his comrade-in-arms to drink Moutai, but he forgot to pay for it, so that the comrade-in-arms would never drink Moutai again

After the meal, Li Xiannian left first when he had an urgent matter, and this bottle of Maotai had to be paid by You Taizhong himself. After hearing that a bottle of wine actually cost three yuan, You Taizhong was very distressed, and after that, he never drank Moutai wine again.

The price of three yuan was indeed not cheap at that time, but as a commander, as long as You Taizhong wanted to drink Maotai every day, it was not a problem. You Taizhong's heartache is not because of the door, but because he is unwilling to enjoy it materially.

For him, the harsh and simple way of life has become a habit.

Li Xiannian asked his comrade-in-arms to drink Moutai, but he forgot to pay for it, so that the comrade-in-arms would never drink Moutai again

Officials at this level can be reimbursed for going out to eat, but You Taizhong basically does not use the state's money, and every time he pays for it himself, which can also prove that his "stinginess" is not distressed money, nor does he want to take advantage. Major General You Taizhong maintained this arduous and simple style throughout his life, never coveting any material enjoyment.

In 1988, You Taizhong was awarded the rank of general, which was an organizational recognition and praise for him. Under his influence, the two sons of the family also chose to join the army when they grew up and became the pillars of the country.

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