
The first traitor of the Sui Dynasty, he killed the emperor and occupied the empress, and left a famous saying for eternity before dying

The Book of Sui once said: "It is so cowardly that it is foolish to be an emperor." "During the Sui Dynasty, the traitorous courtier Yu Culture and the overthrow of the imperial rule, brutally killing the emperor, raising a large number of troops to rebel, and forcibly occupying the empress of a country, his absurd actions were spurned by later generations.

In the process of the thousand-year history of Chinese society, there have been many well-known heroes, but at the same time, there will also be some representatives of villains who have been left behind for thousands of years. Although in the minds of the world, villains are not worth documenting, through in-depth analysis of villains, people can also have a fuller and more comprehensive understanding of history.

During the reign of the Sui Dynasty, there was a traitorous courtier in our society. Once, he killed the emperor and occupied the empress, and because of his absurd behavior, he was also known as the first traitor of the Sui Dynasty. It is reported that before the death of this traitor, he also left a famous saying throughout the ages. So, who was this man who was called the first traitor of the Sui Dynasty? What was the content of the famous words he left behind?

The first traitor of the Sui Dynasty, he killed the emperor and occupied the empress, and left a famous saying for eternity before dying

This person, known as the first traitor of the Sui Dynasty, was Yu Wenhua. As a person from a family of officials and eunuchs, Yu Culture and family background are by no means comparable to ordinary officials, and because of this, the people of the Yuwen family generally have a very high social status.

Although in ancient society, the imperial power was supreme, the power of The Yu culture and family made the emperor extremely jealous.

Although in the early years, Yu Wenhua has always maintained a wandering image of a clumsy child. But in fact, in Yu Culture and his heart, there are also great ambitions.

The first traitor of the Sui Dynasty, he killed the emperor and occupied the empress, and left a famous saying for eternity before dying

In order to achieve the ideals and goals in his heart, Yu Wenhua is also secretly planning how to further enhance his political status.

In the early years, the crown prince created by Emperor Wen of Sui was not Yang Guang, but his brother Yang Yong. Nevertheless, for Yang Guang, he also had a certain covetousness for the throne, so Yang Guang joined forces with Yu Wenhua and planned to compete for the position of crown prince.

With years of hard work, Yang Guang was finally made crown prince, which made Yu Culture and Yang Guang's heart have an extremely important position.

The first traitor of the Sui Dynasty, he killed the emperor and occupied the empress, and left a famous saying for eternity before dying

Since Yang Guang ascended to the throne, Yu Wenhua has become a servant Shaoqing, and it is reasonable to say that from now on, Yu Wenhua and yu wenhua can sit back and live a stable and smooth life.

However, in later days, Yu Wenhua violated the imperial court ban and privately traded with the Turks. Affected by this situation, the Sui Dynasty Emperor Yang Guang was extremely dissatisfied with Yu Culture and Culture.

After that, in order to show the majesty of the imperial power, Yu Wenhua was reduced to a slave by Yang Guang, and soon remembered the old love between Yu Wenhua and Yang Guang, Yang Guang also decided to pardon Yu Wenhua and change him to the position of General of Right Tun Wei.

The first traitor of the Sui Dynasty, he killed the emperor and occupied the empress, and left a famous saying for eternity before dying

Although in the eyes of many people, Yang Guang's treatment of Yu Culture and his approach has been particularly generous, after experiencing this incident, Yu Culture and his attitude towards Yang Guang have undergone a great change

In Yu Wenhua's view, if he could not strive to improve his own status, one day, he would also be suppressed by the Sui Emperor again.

Immediately, the idea of usurping power and usurping the throne arose in his mind. During this time, it was just in time for the Sui Emperor to gather the people of the world to build the Grand Canal, and at that time, such a complicated work also made the people complain.

The first traitor of the Sui Dynasty, he killed the emperor and occupied the empress, and left a famous saying for eternity before dying

After that, Ubunaga took advantage of the resentment of the people to quickly form an uprising army and launch a coup d'état. With the continuous expansion of his own rebellious forces, the later Yu Wenhua and his troops invaded the imperial palace and brutally killed the Sui Emperor Yang Guang, thus usurping power and seizing the throne.

After entering the imperial palace, because the Sui Emperor's empress Xiao Shi was more beautiful, she was also occupied by Yu Wenhua and . And such a debauchery also made Yu Wenhua and the world known as "the first traitor of the Sui Dynasty".

Although Yu Wenhua had lofty ideals and goals in his heart before the uprising, after the uprising was completed, he lived an extravagant and lavish life like the Sui Emperor.

The first traitor of the Sui Dynasty, he killed the emperor and occupied the empress, and left a famous saying for eternity before dying

Affected by this situation, other Haojie in the world rose up, and in the end, Yu Wenhua and he were also attacked by other rebel forces, and ended up in a fiasco.

Before Yu Wenhua and his death, he left a last word: "If you die in life, won't you be an emperor for a day?" At that time, Yu Wenhua was ready to die, but at the same time, he also showed his heroism with this prophecy.

After the defeat, Yu Wenhua died at the hands of Dou Jiande, and since then, the first traitor of the Sui Dynasty has completely withdrawn from the stage of history.

The first traitor of the Sui Dynasty, he killed the emperor and occupied the empress, and left a famous saying for eternity before dying


For Yu Wenhua and his side, in his early years, he was originally a powerful hero under Yang Guang, but later he was dissatisfied with the Sui Emperor due to changes in his own inner emotions, and eventually made a decision to overthrow the rule of the court.

From Yu Wenhua and the various things he did after the overthrow of the Sui Dynasty, it can be seen that he was not a really good emperor, and even if he could ascend to the throne, he would certainly become a sinner of history and be condemned by future generations.

It can be seen that each historical figure has a multi-faceted personality trait, and if we can make a full and comprehensive analysis of their life experience, it can also help us realize a more real historical development. It is believed that in the coming days, with the continuous deepening of historical research, the level of historical research in China will also rise to a new height.

Reference: Book of Sui

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