
Mercury resumes its anterograde The constellation of surprises continues to improve

Mercury resumes its anterograde The constellation of surprises continues to improve

The ascending sign or sun sign is Pisces

Due to the adverse effects of the water retrograde, Pisces people are also in a downturn at work for a period of time, but after the end of the water retrograde, your fortunes have rebounded, but you still need to adjust your mentality and life rules in order to attract positive energy, so that the fortune can be played to the best state, and then you can get good results in work and study, and there is no need to worry about not completing the task, or hanging up the subject. Emotionally, you may have experienced this period of water retrograde test, become more mature, start to think about relationships, responsibilities and the future, want to stabilize the relationship, and the probability that the other half is your own nobleman is very high.

The ascending sign or sun sign is Aquarius

Aquarius people in the water retrograde during this time will want to calm their feelings, even if it may not be very smooth, so they will always feel restless, but after the end of the water retrograde, your fortune will begin to slowly change, and then the fortune will slowly improve, career you will be appreciated by the boss because of your own strength, will be promoted and raised. The feelings of love and the other half are very stable, if there is no other half of the person, then it is very likely that after the end, you will find your other half, and the feelings will get better and better.

The ascending sign or sun sign is Virgo

Under the influence of the water retrograde, you have been in a confused state, the communication ability is also inappropriate, the work ability has also declined a lot, but after the end of the water retrograde, the Virgo's fortune will rise, the difficulties at work will be solved, the interpersonal relationship in the workplace has become better, and the problems that exist in themselves have noble people to help correct, and they can also get good opportunities to make money, have new inspiration in financial management, income growth, and life is also quite innovative.

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