
Chen Guangzhong: The Sparrow Instructor in Commander Fool

Speaking of Chen Guangzhong's elderly predecessors, everyone will definitely think of the Que Que instructor Cui Bugg who he played in the Sichuan dialect TV series "Silly Commander".

Chen Guangzhong: The Sparrow Instructor in Commander Fool

In fact, I had dinner with Chen Guangzhong many years ago, that is, a few days ago, I also went to Renshou, Sichuan with my elders to participate in the launching ceremony of the second movie "Pluripotent Little Sister" of the famous Bashu comedy star Wang Baoqi.

Because Teacher Chen Guangzhong, as well as liu Deyi, the protagonist of "Silly Commander", who has passed away, all belong to my father Kang Dexun and belong to the division brothers, plus in the golden boy jade under the door of Gan Dad Kang dexun, Wang Baoqi is my eldest brother, so it has created many opportunities to meet with the big names of the show business stars.

Chen Guangzhong: The Sparrow Instructor in Commander Fool

However, I had never taken a group photo with Teacher Chen Guangzhong before. The recent reunion, but finally got my wish, shook the hand of teacher Chen Guangzhong, and took a photo.

Teacher Chen Guangzhong belongs to the Sichuan opera clown, born on October 11, 1942 in the lunar calendar. In September 1955, he was admitted to the Guanghan County Sichuan Opera Troupe, one of the predecessors of the current Chengdu City Sichuan Theater, under the tutelage of Zhao Mingliang. In 1962, he was sent to the "Sichuan Opera Clown Tutoring Class" taught by Liu Chengji, Zhou Qihe, Liu Jinlong, Tang Yunfeng and Ba FaHong, and other famous Sichuan opera artists. In 1983, he was sent to the "Training Course for Opera Directors in Four Southwest Provinces (Regions)" sponsored by the Ministry of Culture to study and complete. From June 1984 to June 1997, Chen Guangzhong served as the deputy director of the Chengdu Experimental Sichuan Opera Troupe for thirteen years, with considerable achievements.

Chen Guangzhong: The Sparrow Instructor in Commander Fool

Teacher Chen Guangzhong has created an artistic image that many audiences love very much on the screen and on the stage. In particular, after the Sichuan dialect TV series "Silly Commander" and "The Legend of Tang Fat Intestine" were screened on satellite TV channels in various provinces across the country, Chen Guangzhong's roles in the play "Que Que Instructor Cui Bugg" and "Clothes Drying Pole" were highly appreciated by audiences everywhere.

After the Spring Festival in 2002, Chongqing Tv, Sichuan TV and Central Radio successively broadcast "The Crooked Biography of Wang Baochang", in which Chen Guangzhong played the role of Judge Kong, which was also praised by audiences everywhere. The "money dried shrimp" money boss played in "Fat Brother Funny Love" made the audience pleasing to the eye. Chen Guangzhong also successfully played the roles of Qian Dried Shrimp, Zeng Dried Shrimp, Teacher Gan and Director Wu in "Tianfu Dragon Gate Array", "Fake Fight", "Cousin Goes to the City" and the movie "Mahjong StickMan".

Chen Guangzhong: The Sparrow Instructor in Commander Fool

In the Sichuan dialect drama "Happiness Ears", which is loved by the people of Sichuan, the role of "dried cowpeas" played by teacher Chen Guangzhong has been warmly welcomed and highly praised by the audience. Since then, "dried cowpeas" has become Chen Guangzhong's brand image and nickname.

Because he was injured and did not see his father for a long time, Teacher Chen Guangzhong said: Recently I saw your father, last year he was also sick, but after exercise, he has recovered very well...

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