
Collection, baby touch is so important?

Touch can also be called baby massage, the skin is the largest sensory organ of the human body to receive external stimuli, is the external receptor of the nervous system, we can relieve some discomfort for the baby through touch, touch is a medical method, but also a kind of love transmission.

1 Is touch really that important?

Years of research and clinical practice by experts at home and abroad have proved that giving babies systematic touch is conducive to infant growth and development, enhances immunity, improves digestion and absorption of food, reduces infant crying, and increases sleep;

Collection, baby touch is so important?

At the same time, touching can also enhance the communication between infants and parents, help babies gain a sense of security, and develop a sense of trust in their parents. Psychological studies have found that people who have experienced infancy and childhood caresses are less aggressive when they grow up, and they like to be helpful and more gregarious.

Other studies have shown that touch can stimulate the brain to produce oxytocin in the posterior lobe, which can help relieve pain and calm people.

2How do I touch my baby?

01Preparation before touching

Maintain the appropriate room temperature (about 25 degrees Celsius) and touch time (about 20 minutes) to ensure comfort and undisturbed;

Adopt a comfortable position, choose a quiet, clean room, and put some soft music as the background;

Touch at the right time. Babies should not be too full or too hungry, and strokes are best performed after the baby bathes;

Prepare a towel, diaper, and change of clothes before touching, pour some baby oil into the palm of your hand, and rub each other to warm your hands.

02 Precautions for touching

1) Generally touch three times a day (15-20 minutes each time). Depending on the needs of the baby, stop as soon as it feels like the baby is satisfied.

2) Start gently and gradually increase the pressure so that the baby can slowly adapt.

3) Do not force the baby to maintain a fixed position, and if crying, try to quiet him before continuing. Stop crying once you're crying hard.

4) Do not let baby's eyes touch the emollient oil.

3 baby touch illustrated tutorials

01 Upper arm

Slide your hands from your upper arm to your baby's hands and then to your fingertips. Run with both hands at the same time.

Repeat the above steps 3-5 times. Be careful not to push too hard to prevent your baby from dislocation.

02 Knead the upper limbs

The index fingers and thumbs of both hands are placed in a circle on the baby's arm and kneaded and rotated, while gently sliding down to the wrist to stop.

Repeat 3-5 times, alternating between hands.

03 Palms

One hand holds the baby's wrist with the palm facing upwards. The thumb of the other hand slides from the base of the palm to the fingertip.

04 The back of the hand

One hand holds the baby's wrist with the palm down. The other hand presses the thumb on the palm arm on the side of the baby's wrist, and the finger reaches into the palm. Apply pressure with your thumb and index finger and slide from the palm to the fingertip. It is also kneaded clockwise at the Hegu Acupoint (between the 1.2th bone on the back of the hand, at the midpoint on the radial side of the 2nd metacarpal bone).

Repeat 3-5 times, alternating between hands. This promotes the baby's physiological development, strengthens immunity, and enhances muscle and joint development.

05 heads

Facing the baby lying flat, place your fingers facing each other, your palms down on your forehead, and your index finger flat with your hairline. Then slowly move your hands backwards at the same time, gently pressing the Baihui acupoint (the midpoint of the connection between the two ear tips through the head) with one index finger as you pass the top of the head, and then gently press the dumb acupuncture point at the back of the head (in the neck, 0.5 inches above the center of the posterior hairline, under the first cervical spine).

Repeat 3-5 times.

06 cheeks

Move your hands apart to the baby's cheeks, gently tap the wind hole with the index finger (behind the earlobe, the depression between the mastoid and the angle of the mandibular), the thumb rubbing the uterine cavity (in front of the face ear screen, behind the mandibular process, which is concave when the mouth is opened), the fingers along the cheek socket of the cheek (about one horizontal finger (middle finger) above the mandibular corner of the cheek, and when chewing, the masseter muscle bulges, pressing the depression), the ground cavity (on the outside of the corner of the face, straight to the pupil) to the chin, and rubbing the pulp hole (the middle pit of the facial chin lip groove).

07 Forehead

Place both thumbs horizontally on the baby's eyebrows, move them to the sides along the arch of the eyebrows, and gently rub them into the temples (between the temporal eyebrow tip and the outer part of the eye, about a horizontal finger depression backwards), and draw a small circle.

08 upper cheek

Place the thumbs of both hands on either side of the bridge of the nose, press down and outward, and move the upper cheeks of both thumbs to the sides.

Repeat 3-5 times. For teething babies can relieve pain.

09 Lower lip

Place both thumbs under the lower lip, press gently, knead the small circle outward to the sides, and knead the pulp bearing hole, the ground chamber hole, and the cheek car hole.

Repeat 3-5 times. Do not take too long so as not to increase your baby's drooling.

10 ears

Pinch the top of the ear pinna with your thumb and forefinger opposite each other, and massage the baby's ear to the earlobe with a small circle between the abdomen of the finger.

11 palate

Place both thumbs in the center of the upper lip, rub and slide outward to both ears, and rub the middle groove.

12 lower cheeks

Place both thumbs on each side of the small baby's nose bridge, press along the zygomatic arch, and slide outward to the sides.

Repeat 3-5 times.

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