
There are 3 things that can easily cause cerebral palsy in infants, especially the first one, which many elderly people are doing

author:The starting point of the baby's story


Text/The starting point of the baby's story

The baby's brain is very fragile, and the mother should protect it.

A mother in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, caused her baby to have cerebral palsy because of roughness.

When the baby was born, the jaundice was very high, and the doctor suggested that the baby take a blue light, but under the influence of the old man, he said not to waste that money, and the mother had no idea and then went home to withdraw the yellow.

However, the baby's jaundice is getting higher and higher, but the mother is negligent, and after the confinement period, she returned to the hospital for examination and found that the baby has cerebral palsy.

Although neonatal jaundice is generally physiological, it is not excluded that the baby has pathology, and the long-term jaundice value is too high, which can easily damage the baby's brain tissue and cause the baby to have cerebral palsy.

Therefore, for new mothers, they should follow the doctor's advice and don't listen to others casually, after all, each baby's situation is different, which should be paid attention to.

There are 3 things that can easily cause cerebral palsy in infants, especially the first one, which many elderly people are doing

In addition, mothers should also pay attention to protecting the baby's brain in daily life.

Mothers should do their homework, and if mothers often make mistakes, they may also affect the baby because of their small mistakes.

In order to allow the baby to develop better, it is also necessary to develop good habits to escort the baby's growth and development.

There are many reasons why it is easy to cause cerebral palsy in babies, especially these 3 things, mothers should also have self-examination, which is very damaging to the baby's brain.

There are 3 things that can easily cause cerebral palsy in infants, especially the first one, which many elderly people are doing

01 Shaking the baby excessively

Babies can't shake, brain tissue is very fragile, excessive shaking is not only easy to cause brain tissue damage, but also prone to the risk of cerebral palsy.

Especially for the elderly to intervene with the baby, mothers should also pay more attention, many elderly people have a bad habit, like to hold the baby and shake it around to sleep, this way is not advisable, mothers should intervene in time.

Usually with the baby should also pay attention, avoid excessive shaking of the baby's head, whether it is in sleep or teasing the baby, you should pay attention to protect the baby.

There are 3 things that can easily cause cerebral palsy in infants, especially the first one, which many elderly people are doing

02 Overfeeding

Overfeeding also has a great impact on the baby, especially long-term overfeeding, which can easily lead to hypoxia in the baby's brain and damage the baby's brain.

Eating too much is not only as simple as hurting the stomach, after eating too much, the baby's intracranial pressure will also increase, and the baby is prone to cerebral hypoxia at this time.

Therefore, the baby at the age of one month should standardize the feeding habits, do not excessively compare the amount of baby milk, as long as the baby's daily milk intake meets the growth needs.


03 Severe suffocation

Severe illness in babies at a young age can also cause cerebral palsy in babies.

Especially the heat, this should be the focus of attention.

The baby is actually very afraid of heat, rapid development, and strong body metabolism, if the baby's body is covered with poor heat dissipation, it is easy to suffocate.

Heat cover syndrome can also easily damage the baby's brain, resulting in the baby's cerebral palsy, which mothers should also pay attention to.

In daily life, mothers should also pay attention to the baby's behavior, as well as emotional performance, if there is a depressed baby of the same age, or when the spirit is listless, but also take the baby for further examination in time, mothers should not be negligent.

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