
Is this still human? Must report: Man domestic violence mother, community takes immediate action to verify the truth!

author:Qianqian fine feathers

Description: A man in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, beat his mother with a broom and kicked him many times in his yard! The community responded to the call and rushed to verify the situation on May 9. What do you think about this matter?


Hello everyone, on May 9, a distressing domestic violence incident in Nantong, Jiangsu Province was widely spread on the Internet. According to netizens, a man hit his mother with a broom in his yard and kicked him many times, and the situation was quite serious. In response to such a cruel act, the community immediately took action, and went to the scene on May 9 to verify the truth. This incident has aroused attention and discussion from all walks of life, and today we will take a look at the story behind it.

Is this still human? Must report: Man domestic violence mother, community takes immediate action to verify the truth!

Family is everyone's warmest and safest harbor, however, sometimes incredible tragedies can occur. This mother has experienced violence from her son, and we cannot sit idly by, whether as a family member or as a member of society.

First of all, we would like to express our appreciation to the community for their first action. In the face of domestic violence, the community responded to the call in a timely manner and immediately sent people to the scene to verify the situation. This swift and effective response demonstrates the community's sense of responsibility and care. They want to take action to help victims, stop violence and help solve problems.

Is this still human? Must report: Man domestic violence mother, community takes immediate action to verify the truth!

And for such atrocious acts, I believe that most people cannot understand and accept. Mothers are the ones who give us life and give selflessly, and they deserve our respect and protection. However, the mother was abused by her son. This absurdity caused shock and outrage in society.

Is this still human? Must report: Man domestic violence mother, community takes immediate action to verify the truth!

Domestic violence is a distressing phenomenon that not only harms individuals, but also destroys the harmony and tranquility of the entire family. As part of society, we have a responsibility to follow and pay attention to such events. The incidence of domestic violence can only be minimized by strengthening legal education and raising public awareness

We call on all sectors of society to work together to protect the warmth and happiness of families. For those who have experienced domestic violence, don't be silent and seek help is the first step. When you find that there is domestic violence around you, please stand up bravely and report to the police or seek help from relevant agencies in time. It is only through the efforts of each and every one of us that domestic violence can be eradicated and everyone can enjoy safety and dignity.

The incident of a man abusing his mother in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, reminds us to care more about others and pay more attention to the harmony of family relationships. At the same time, it is also hoped that the relevant departments can step up efforts to combat domestic violence and safeguard social fairness and justice.

If you have any thoughts or suggestions on this event, please leave a message in the comment area, and let's think together and make suggestions for building a more harmonious society.