
With a circulation of more than 11.7 million copies in 60 years, why is the novel "Red Rock" so popular?

In December 1961, Luo Guangbin and Yang Yiyan's novel "Red Rock" was published by China Youth Publishing House, and this year marks the 60th anniversary of publication. In the past 60 years, "Red Rock" has been printed 177 times and has a circulation of more than 11.7 million copies, becoming a long-lasting red classic. The heroic images of Jiang Jie, Xu Yunfeng, Little Radish Head, and The Old Lady with Two Guns created in the book have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and have influenced generations of readers.

Why is "Red Rock" so popular? Recently, a symposium to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the publication of the novel "Red Rock" was held at the Hongyan Cadre College in Chongqing. At the symposium, representatives of the family members of the creators of "Red Rock", representatives of literary and art circles, and representatives of readers talked about the stories before and after the birth of "Red Rock" and explored the "long red" gene of "Red Rock".

Luo Jia, the son of Luo Guangbin, one of the creators of "Red Rock", recalled that his father once said that "Red Rock" was written by martyrs with blood. Luo Guangbin was imprisoned in the Chongqing Zha di Dong and Bai Gongguan concentration camps, escaping from prison during the enemy massacre. When the novel was finalized that year, the 38-year-old Luo Guangbin wrote the last word on the manuscript, he put down his pen, closed the manuscript, and said to his creative partner Yang Yiyan with deep feeling: "Old Yang, the real author of this book is actually not you, nor me, but Jiang Zhujun, Xu Xiaoxuan, Chen Ran, Liu Guoyong and other martyrs who sacrificed in the Slag Cave and the White Mansion 12 years ago... They wrote this book with their lives and blood. ”

With a circulation of more than 11.7 million copies in 60 years, why is the novel "Red Rock" so popular?

Red Rock Revolution Memorial Hall.

Culture is the spiritual lifeblood of the nation, and literature and art are the clarion call of the times. The novel "Red Rock" writes literature and art into the history of national rejuvenation and in the journey of people's struggle.

During the stormy years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the Early Stage of the War of Liberation, the revolutionary ancestors of the Southern Bureau of the CPC Central Committee displayed lofty ideological realm, firm ideals and convictions, tremendous personality strength, and magnificent revolutionary righteousness influenced many latecomers.

With a circulation of more than 11.7 million copies in 60 years, why is the novel "Red Rock" so popular?

The site of the former Zha Di Dong Prison.

Literature and art win with images, and classic literary and artistic images will become an important symbol of the literature and art of an era.

Zhu Jun, secretary of the party committee of the Chongqing Hongyan Revolutionary History Museum, said that "Red Rock" has created a series of lofty heroic images, and what they pursue is not to wear clothes and food, children's love, but as Marx said, to make their happiness "belong to millions of people."

For 60 years, "Red Rock" has been using the classic cover of "Red Rock Green Pine", symbolizing the noble sentiments and lofty integrity of communists. On the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the Party, the Spirit of Hongyan was incorporated into the spiritual genealogy of the Chinese Communists and continued to shine in the new era.

With a circulation of more than 11.7 million copies in 60 years, why is the novel "Red Rock" so popular?

Cover of the novel Red Rock.

Yan Haogang, professor and doctoral supervisor of the College of Literature of Hebei University, said that in the past 60 years, the novel "Red Rock" has played an irreplaceable role in spreading the spirit of Red Rock. People understand and inherit the spirit of Red Rock, and it is inseparable from this novel.

Yan Haogang said that the novel "Red Rock" is written about revolutionary martyrs, prison struggles, prison life. Revolutionary heroes have written unusual legends with their own actions. The creators have expressed these events in an artistic way, achieving a combination of documentary and legend, which has a strong appeal. Because of this, "Red Rock" set a record for the release of new Chinese novels.

In the 60 years since the publication of the novel "Red Rock", the story in the book has been continuously adapted into various literary and artistic works, which not only makes the popularity of "Red Rock" continue to rise, but also makes the symbol of "Red Rock" become a collective memory that Chinese haunts the heart of generations, and becomes a mark of the times. Cheng Lianqun, general secretary of the party branch of the Chongqing Peking Opera House, said that while we are learning heroes and playing heroes, we are also being educated, "The reason why this novel is popular is because the story itself is real and touching." ”

Red seeds have been sown into the hearts of contemporary teenagers. In recent years, Beijing and other places have also designated it as a compulsory reading for the middle school entrance examination and the college entrance examination. "The story of 'Red Rock' is still shining with immortal brilliance when viewed in the torrent of the times." Pi Jun, secretary of the party committee and chairman of the board of directors of China Youth Publishing Corporation Co., Ltd., said that "Red Rock" has the power to cross time and space and will continue to inspire the patriotic feelings of countless young people in the future.

(Source: Xinhua News Agency Source: Chongqing Hongyan Revolutionary History Museum Reporter Zhou Wenchong Participated in the writing: Yu Xiangjin)

【Editor: Dai Rong】

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