
The PS5 third-party exclusive new IP will be fully developed in 2022

In addition to acquiring the studio, Sony has partnered with newly formed third-party studios to develop exclusive PS5 games for it, including Haven Studios, Firewalk Studios, and Moment Games. For Deviation Games, a new studio founded by former Call of Duty veteran producers Dave Anthony and Jason Blundell, who announced earlier this year the development of a new AAA-rated IP for the Sony PS5 looks like the new game is stepping up.

The PS5 third-party exclusive new IP will be fully developed in 2022

On The official YouTube channel of Moment Games, Jason Blundell updated the studio's current status as well as plans for the future. The studio is currently recruiting for more than 100 positions, and the new IP developed for the PS5 has entered the pre-production phase. He also confirmed that the game will enter full production in 2022.

It could be a first-person shooter, and Deviation Games will focus on innovation, combining in-game shooting and storytelling perfectly.

Considering that the game will not fully develop until next year, this new IP is still many years away from the official release, and we will have to wait a while to know the specific details of this game.

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