
Out of the cabin again! China's astronauts spacewalking has become the norm, Indian netizens message: good job! neighbor

Out of the cabin again! Two Shenzhou 13 astronauts, Zhai Zhigang and Ye Guangfu, once again conducted a spacewalk to perform extravehicular work tasks.

Out of the cabin again! China's astronauts spacewalking has become the norm, Indian netizens message: good job! neighbor

Shenzhou XIII astronauts exited the capsule

There are two main tasks for this outing, the first is to lift the height of the panoramic camera C, and the second is to complete the double carrying test. Interestingly, the two did not use the same way to reach the work site, Zhai Zhigang used the climbing method to go over, and Ye Guangfu took a mechanical arm to reach the designated place.

Out of the cabin again! China's astronauts spacewalking has become the norm, Indian netizens message: good job! neighbor

Space station and robotic arm

At this moment, the mechanical arm of China's space station is like a maintenance lift on the earth, which can send people to any place that needs maintenance, which is very flexible and convenient. In the process of running the mechanical arm, Xiaobian felt that astronaut Ye Guangfu must have a feeling of space trapeze!

China's space station mechanical arm is launched with the "Tianhe" core module, it is a very complex 7-free section mechanical arm, just like the human arm as flexible, can move forward and backward, left and right up and down and rotate. In addition to this, it is possible to crawl outside the space station to get to where it is needed to perform the work.

Out of the cabin again! China's astronauts spacewalking has become the norm, Indian netizens message: good job! neighbor

The robotic arm of our space station

The function of the robotic arm is very important, not only can assist astronauts in daily maintenance, overhaul, when necessary, can also be used to capture satellites, spacecraft, so that it and the space station smooth docking.

After more than 1 month, China's Shenzhou 13 astronauts once again went out to perform tasks, and spacewalks began to become the norm. For China's achievements in aerospace, foreign netizens have also expressed admiration, they left messages on social networks to congratulate, the following are excerpts of some comments:

"China amazes me every day!"

"Come on China, the greatest and most civilized country in human history!"

Out of the cabin again! China's astronauts spacewalking has become the norm, Indian netizens message: good job! neighbor

Comments from foreign netizens

"Well done neighbor, love from India!"

"We are all human and this moment was great for us!"

It can be seen from this that China's achievements in space in recent years are obvious to all the world, which is something that every Chinese is proud of. What is rare is that our neighbor to the south, Indian netizens, have also expressed admiration, which is really not easy for many Indians who think that their own spaceflight is ahead of China.

Out of the cabin again! China's astronauts spacewalking has become the norm, Indian netizens message: good job! neighbor

Astronauts who silently dedicate themselves to the aerospace cause of the motherland

Of course, behind all this, it is inseparable from those aerospace science and technology personnel who silently contribute, thank them for their hard work, and let our pride fly in space!

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