
The 7th Hudak Architectural Heritage Culture Month has come to an end, can architecture live forever in the "meta-universe"?

"Seven years, like a white colt crossing the gap." Thank you all for your support, attention and participation, so that Hudak Architectural Heritage and Culture Month has gradually become a grand event that many history and culture lovers in Shanghai are looking forward to from the initial idea. The 7th "Hudak Architectural Heritage and Culture Month" ended yesterday afternoon at the West Bund International Artificial Intelligence Center, Liu Suhua, director of the Shanghai Hudak Cultural Development Center, said emotionally.

The 7th Hudak Architectural Heritage Culture Month has come to an end, can architecture live forever in the "meta-universe"?

Photo: The 7th Hudak Architectural Heritage And Culture Month ended yesterday official picture

She brought a set of proud data: 7 exhibitions, 5 large-scale forums, 48 lectures, 10 book club sharing sessions, 4 seminars, 3 theme readings, 10 expert-led reading and exploration activities on cultural relics and historical protection buildings, 6 themed photographies of architectural heritage and style blocks led by professional photographers, three essay collection activities in cooperation with Xinmin Evening News, "Hudak Building Distribution Map" supported by the Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics and cultural relics conservation research center, and the interview film "Me and My City" and the popular science film series "Hudak Architecture"... After seven sessions, nearly 200,000 people have approached the architect Hudak through the "Hudak Architectural Heritage culture month", approached the classic buildings he left in Shanghai, and have a strong interest and emotional connection with the architectural culture of the whole city of Shanghai.

At present, there are more than 20 million square meters of historical protected buildings in Shanghai, and how to protect them is an important issue related to urban renewal, and it is also a topic that culture month has always been concerned about. In its seventh edition, the closing forum of Hudak Architectural Culture Month focused on the protection and inheritance of the city's architectural heritage with the theme of "Immortality". The experts offer a completely new solution: the first step is to "rebuild" these buildings in a virtual space; the second step is to give them a second life. Liao Fang, a national first-class registered architect and assistant to the president of Shanghai Shutu Blockchain Research Institute, believes: "Over the years, Shanghai has given new life and connotation to historical buildings in urban renewal, coupled with the rapid development of digital technology, it has become possible to build a 'digital Shanghai' born of virtual reality in the 'metacosm'. The reason why he is optimistic about the development of the construction industry in the "metacosm" is based on two reasons: one is copyright protection, and the other is to break through the imagination. "The rights and interests of content creators in the 'metacosm' will also be fully protected and respected." For example, Liao Fang said that using blockchain technology, the surveyor of an excellent historical building can chain the surveying and mapping data and convert it into digital assets through technologies such as NFTs for circulation in the "meta-universe". "In the process, the vast expanse of virtual spaces will give birth to new forms of spatial experience, thus driving the development of architecture."

The 7th Hudak Architectural Heritage Culture Month has come to an end, can architecture live forever in the "meta-universe"?

Illustration: The closing forum of Hudak Architectural Culture Month featured the theme of "Immortality" official image

At the meeting, the first NFT (non-homogeneous token) product of Culture Month was officially released - 49 memory maps of culture month scenes, permanently uploaded to the blockchain. After holding the "Hudak Architectural Heritage Culture Month" for seven years, Liu Suhua hopes to find a "baton bearer" for it: "The NFT may open a new atmosphere of protection and inheritance of the integration of urban people and urban cultural heritage, and hope that the cultural month can also be regenerated and immortalized in the hands of new organizers." (Sun Jiayin, chief reporter of Xinmin Evening News)

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