
Smoke bombs again? The DNA sequence is highly similar to that of the two provinces of China, and netizens have refused to recognize Japan's ancestors

The relationship between Japan and our country has always been delicate, not only because its GDP has been surpassed by our country, but also because of the historical reasons of the two countries. More important than this, Japan's origin may be in China, which has been searching for its origins for many years, but has not been able to find an accurate answer. In the legend, the ancestors of the Japanese are Xu Fu, who helped Qin Shi Huang find the elixir of immortality during the Qin Dynasty, when Xu Fu took 3,000 virgin boys and girls to sea, but then never returned.

Smoke bombs again? The DNA sequence is highly similar to that of the two provinces of China, and netizens have refused to recognize Japan's ancestors

Some people speculate that because Xu Fu did not find the elixir and was worried about being punished by Qin Shi Huang, he quietly fled to the Japanese island and settled there, eventually becoming the ancestor of the Japanese. This claim is just speculation and has no definite basis, but considering that the relationship between the two countries has been very close since ancient times, this statement also stands up to scrutiny. However, in modern civilization, there must be evidence for any claim, so the Japanese side has been looking for ancestors who can be scientifically recognized, and after the DNA test results were made public, it was found that the genes of the Japanese were indeed related to two provinces in China.

Smoke bombs again? The DNA sequence is highly similar to that of the two provinces of China, and netizens have refused to recognize Japan's ancestors

These two provinces are China's Hebei and Henan, before the Japanese research institute has published a similar paper, that japan's ancient Jomon people and China's Han people have a common ancestor. After DNA comparison, it was also found that the genes of the two were similar, not only alcohol tolerance, but also the eating habits of the Jomon people were similar to those in Hebei, Henan. If we have to find an ancestor who can be scientifically recognized, then China must be the most likely target, especially people in Henan and Hebei.

Smoke bombs again? The DNA sequence is highly similar to that of the two provinces of China, and netizens have refused to recognize Japan's ancestors

For this result, Japan's heart must be full of mixed feelings, although it is finally determined that the ancestors are worthy of happiness, but the object is China, and when Japan has not yet expressed its position on this result, China's netizens have expressed their rejection of Japan's recognition of ancestors. The number of evils he has committed against my country is innumerable, and even people from countries of the same bloodline do not want to have such compatriots. What's more, the Japanese side still refuses to admit its crimes and is ambitious to break through the shackles, so it really does not like the Japanese side, even if the DNA sequence is highly similar to the two Chinese provinces.

Smoke bombs again? The DNA sequence is highly similar to that of the two provinces of China, and netizens have refused to recognize Japan's ancestors

Some netizens believe that Japan has come to put smoke bombs again, and it has never given up its ambition to invade our country culturally, trying to brainwash Chinese young people in this way, and most importantly, whitewashing its crimes. From the recent series of storms related to the Japanese side, it can be seen that this kind of cultural invasion is indeed effective, and the university teachers have openly made statements that overturn history, and the Japanese cultural invasion is more serious than imagined! Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that Japan will use the DNA similarity of the two ethnic groups to win the favor of the Chinese people in order to further cultural invasion, and China should remain vigilant about this. Whether the ancestors were Chinese or not, they could not change the crimes they had committed, and Japan was advised to wake up as soon as possible.

(Text/Xi Le)

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