
Amphibious cars are not a dream Boeing set up a flying car division

According to foreign media reports, after Airbus, Uber and Rolls-Royce all began to develop flying cars, Boeing also announced the establishment of a new division to develop autonomous flying cars. Boeing's new division, called Boeing NeXt, will work with outside companies to build self-driving flying cars and help build ground infrastructure.

Amphibious cars are not a dream Boeing set up a flying car division

It is reported that the Boeing NeXt division will be led by Steve Nordlund, vice president of Boeing's venture capital division, and in order to form this new division, Boeing will draw personnel from various departments of the company, and if the development goes well, Boeing may also spin it off into a separate company.

Greg Heathlop, Boeing's chief technology officer, noted that the company has the expertise to safely and efficiently build new technologies related to flying cars. He believes that these flying car products will come in the next few years, and transportation needs multiple modes to develop at the same time.

In Greg Heathlop's view, flying cars are an emerging market for autonomous driving, so the Boeing NeXt division was created to address the problems that arose during the development of flying cars. To that end, Boeing has chosen to partner with SparkCognition to develop an air traffic management system that will be able to track the flight of unmanned aerial vehicles using blockchain technology and artificial intelligence, which will also be able to assign traffic routes and passages.

At the same time, he also said that the mode of transportation should be diverse, Boeing has the professional knowledge and skills to ensure the safety and efficiency of new technologies, and flying cars will come in the next few years.

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