
How to care for a newborn in cold weather?

The cold winter has arrived!

Since newborns have just been born, there is a process of adaptation to the external environment.

Caring for a newborn baby during this cold season is not easy for new parents, because the slightest carelessness may cause the baby to catch a cold and get sick.

How to care for babies born in winter, and what details should be paid attention to to make babies healthier?

Let's learn together!

Control room temperature

The warmth of newborns is very important, the general human body is more suitable for the temperature at about 25 ° C, in winter can be opened air conditioning to increase the indoor temperature.

Room temperature rise will evaporate the moisture in the air, it is recommended to put a basin of water in the room or use a humidifier, keep the indoor humidity of 40%-60%, to prevent the indoor too dry, the baby's health is not good.

How to care for a newborn in cold weather?

Bathe and touch

Bathing in the cold winter can easily lead to a cold in the newborn, so be sure to choose a comfortable and warm environment to bathe the newborn to avoid the newborn from getting cold.

When bathing the baby, the indoor temperature should reach 25 to 28 degrees, and the water height should not exceed the baby's chest.

It is more convenient to use the baby bath with brackets. And the bath time should not be too long, preferably in 5-10 minutes.

During the bath, pay attention to observe the baby's state, if the baby shows irritability and crying, you can pause the bath.

After the baby's bath, you can give the baby a full body touch in a warm environment to promote blood circulation in the baby's body.

Skin care

Winter is cold and dry, and the newborn baby's skin is delicate, and it is important to keep it dry and clean.

Especially the skin folds, such as the neck, armpits, elbows, groin, etc., should be washed daily, and clothes and diapers should be changed in time.

It should be cleaned after each bowel movement, and baby girls should scrub from the perineum to the anus when cleaning the vulva to prevent feces around the anus from contaminating the vagina and urethral orifice.

Baby's small face should be smeared with baby-specific body lotion, and the small buttocks should be used to prevent red buttocks.

How to care for a newborn in cold weather?

Clothing care

Baby's clothes should have strong warmth and comfort, can be soft cotton, looser, easy to wear and easy to take off.

But do not put too warm a cover on the baby, cover too tightly, easy to collapse. Don't heat your baby with an electric blanket either, as overheating will cause dehydration fever.

Mothers should often touch the back of the baby's neck to roughly estimate whether it is appropriate to keep warm. Warm and dry is right, if it is cold or sweaty, you need to add or subtract clothing.

Small babies have poor ability to regulate body temperature, and the temperature of their hands and feet will generally be slightly cooler, so mothers cannot judge by the temperature of their hands and feet.


The circulation of indoor air not only does not harm the newborn, but also helps the newborn to breathe smoothly.

While the room is being ventilated, the mother and newborn can temporarily leave the ventilated room and wait until the air in the room has changed before returning.

Stick to breast milk

Winter is a time of high incidence of various diseases such as respiratory infections, and the antibodies contained in breast milk can help babies reduce the possibility of getting sick. Mothers with conditions must insist on breastfeeding their babies.

Mothers tend to drop their body temperature when breastfeeding, which is very easy to cause colds. Therefore, even in an air-conditioned room, you must use a blanket to wrap up the exposed parts of your body to ensure your own health.

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