
Dai Kasa's most proud protégé, Shen Zhiyue, returned to the military after three years of lurking in Yan'an, and returned to the mainland in his later years to receive courtesy


Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, many outstanding workers on the hidden front appeared in our Party, who lurked in the heart of the Japanese and puppet organs and the Nationalist army and risked their lives to collect invaluable information for our Party. Their excellent work has made an indelible contribution to the final victory of our Party in the revolution.

However, there were also such figures on the side of the nationalist army, who lurked in Yan'an for three full years and escaped safely to return to the military command, and in his later years also returned to the mainland and received courtesy, this person was Shen Zhiyue, The Proud Protégé of Dai Kasa

Dai Kasa's most proud protégé, Shen Zhiyue, returned to the military after three years of lurking in Yan'an, and returned to the mainland in his later years to receive courtesy

First, the noble people help each other

When it comes to kuomintang military unification, people can't help but think of dai Kasa, the well-known military commander, who has long been engaged in intelligence work on the Kuomintang side.

The military command led by him became a sharp knife in the heart of the Japanese invaders during the War of Resistance Against Japan, and of course, many assassination and sabotage actions were carried out against our party.

In addition to being a good hand at intelligence work, Dai Kasa also has an extraordinary vision of people, and often finds good spies among some seemingly unremarkable people.

Among them, the most famous Kuomintang spy unearthed by Dai Kasa was Shen Zhiyue.

Shen Zhiyue came from an ordinary peasant family, and his mother died when he was very young, and he had to be fostered in his mother's house.

Dai Kasa's most proud protégé, Shen Zhiyue, returned to the military after three years of lurking in Yan'an, and returned to the mainland in his later years to receive courtesy

Although born poor, Shen Zhiyue was clever and clever, and it took only three years to complete primary school, and then he was admitted to the Department of Politics of Fudan University with excellent results. Shen Zhiyue's life, the most worth mentioning, is that at the age of 17, he met his life's "Bole" Dai Kasa by chance on a train.

Dai Kasa was worthy of being a master of fire-eyed and golden-eyed people, and after a short exchange with Shen Zhiyue, he realized that this "little fellow" would inevitably make great achievements in intelligence work in the future. So with the idea of cherishing talent, he took Shen Zhiyue under his command and cultivated him to become his own proud protégé.

2. Lurking in Yan'an

Under the recommendation of Dai Kasa, Shen Zhiyue

Li Guodong

Under a pseudonym, he joined the Kuomintang and studied at the police academy, and later accepted the leadership of Dai Kasa, and under Dai's arrangement, he became a nail lurking inside our party.

Under Dai Kasa's arrangement, Shen Zhiyue arrived in Yan'an with a delegation of professors who came to Yan'an to inspect, and made his first appearance in Yan'an as the personal assistant of Professor Xiao Zhiping of the delegation, winning the trust of Yan'an.

Dai Kasa's most proud protégé, Shen Zhiyue, returned to the military after three years of lurking in Yan'an, and returned to the mainland in his later years to receive courtesy

When Xiao Zhiping left Yan'an, Shen Zhiyue assumed the pseudonym

Shen Hui

As a patriotic youth, he asked to stay in Yan'an, obtained the approval of our party, and successfully entered the Kang University, and won the admiration of Zhang Aiping with his excellent results, and soon successfully joined our party, and gradually came into contact with Wang Dongxing and Kang Sheng, the top leaders of our party.

After graduating from the Kang University, Shen Zhiyue took up the post of receiving and sending to and receiving party organs of our party, and used his position to pass on a lot of confidential information of our party to the Kuomintang.

Because Shen Zhiyue was usually low-key and cautious in his handling of affairs, he lurked in the central organs of our party for a long time and did not arouse the vigilance of our party.

Shen Zhiyue was extremely cautious in his work, except for the informant specially arranged for him by Dai Kasa, an old man who sold oil tea with a missing teapot in Yan'an City, the rest of the people, even those sent by Dai Kasa, he did not see anyone. Once Dai Kasa temporarily sent another informant to contact him, Shen Zhiyue thought about it again and again, but still refused to meet. With this caution, he was able to lurk in our party for three full years.

Dai Kasa's most proud protégé, Shen Zhiyue, returned to the military after three years of lurking in Yan'an, and returned to the mainland in his later years to receive courtesy

Shen Zhiyue was ordered to lurk in the central organs of our party, and in addition to collecting secret information of our party, another important task was to find an opportunity to assassinate the top leaders of our party.

However, during the three years that Shen Zhiyue graduated from the Kang Da University to work in the organs of our Party Central Committee, and during the evacuation of Shen Zhiyue after the Anhui Incident, he never had the opportunity to attack the top level of our Party.

Shen Zhiyue had planned to carry out an assassination plan in the jujube garden where the great man lived, and received a contact mark from the informant near his residence, but he thought about it repeatedly, and did not go to the joint as agreed, nor did he find the opportunity to assassinate the great man, so he was able to escape the disaster. After arousing suspicion from the Yan'an side and transferring to Zhejiang, Shen Zhiyue continued to transmit a large amount of information on our party to the Kuomintang, and the occurrence of the anhui incident that shocked China and foreign countries was inextricably linked to the intelligence of our army transmitted by Shen Zhiyue.

Therefore, after the anhui incident, Shen Zhiyue returned to the Kuomintang, and he lurked in our party for three years before it became widely known.

Dai Kasa's most proud protégé, Shen Zhiyue, returned to the military after three years of lurking in Yan'an, and returned to the mainland in his later years to receive courtesy

After returning to military command, Shen Zhiyue served as the director of the Southeast Special Reconnaissance Station of the Military Command Bureau, and after Dai Kasa's death, he was praised by Chairman Jiang with his outstanding ability and Dai Kasa's status as a protégé.

When the Kuomintang defeated and retreated to Taiwan, Shen Zhiyue also went to Taiwan, where he still gained the weight of the old Chiang Kai-shek's father and son, and successively served as the director of the investigation bureau and an adviser to the "Presidential Office."

Third, identity is a mystery

Shen Zhiyue lived until the 1990s, when cross-strait relations began to break the ice, and Shen Zhiyue was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer, and his condition had deteriorated.

Shen Zhiyue, who is already over 80 years old, accepted the persuasion of his wife Xu Lu and came to the hospital by breaking the ice in cross-strait relations.

Dai Kasa's most proud protégé, Shen Zhiyue, returned to the military after three years of lurking in Yan'an, and returned to the mainland in his later years to receive courtesy

However, what is intriguing is that after learning that such a former spy of military unification came to Taiwan, the mainland side expressed the idea of receiving Shen Zhiyue.

However, shen Zhiyue politely refused, and when he stayed at the Beijing hotel, he also bore all the costs.

However, Shen Zhiyue privately met with his former teacher, General Zhang Aiping, and the two recalled the past of that year, and they were full of emotion.

The Taiwan media spoke highly of Shen Zhiyue, calling him

The nation is unmatched. But at the same time, Shen Zhiyue was also suspected of being a double-sided spy, an agent that our party had installed in the National Government authorities that had not been able to detect.

Lu Heng, a well-known Hong Kong journalist, wrote: "It was not until the mid-1990s that the Chinese Kuomintang discovered from Zhang Aiping's union that Shen Yuan was a conspirator lurking in the heart of the state government and creating unjust cases to win trust." "

Dai Kasa's most proud protégé, Shen Zhiyue, returned to the military after three years of lurking in Yan'an, and returned to the mainland in his later years to receive courtesy

However, according to the timeline of Shen Zhiyue's acquaintance with Dai Kasa and the timeline of joining our party, Shen Zhiyue knew Dai Kasa first, and later used it for Dai Kasa to sneak into Yan'an to spy on our party's confidential intelligence, so I personally believe that the probability that Shen Zhiyue is a double agent is not very large. However, it is indeed not ruled out that Shen Zhiyue was detected and plotted by our party during his period of lurking in our party, and returned to work for our party as a double agent of our party members.

Unfortunately, the Si people have passed away, and if they want to know the true identity of Shen Zhiyue, I am afraid that they can only leave it to posterity to excavate more detailed and more powerful information that can prove his identity.


In short, Shen Zhiyue's life can be described as a legendary life, he met Dai Kasa by chance and was appreciated by Dai Kasa, lurked in the core area of the central organs of Yan'an for three years but was able to retire completely, and he was still deeply respected by Chiang Kai-shek's father and son in Taiwan, and his identity is still a mystery.

Shen Zhiyue's legendary life can't help but leave us with unlimited space for reverie.

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